| FTBL Texas secondary...



I was totally surprized at Muschamps defensive scheme at Texas Tech. Most of the time, WRs and slots were never challenged. They turned and ran like a go route coverage almost every time. Even the bump and run at the line was pitiful. There is no way to disrupt a passing game if you let the receivers take off like a flag football game.

My question is, most of these high scoring Big 12 games seem to show very similar defenses. In my opinion, the d-line doesn't have a prayer to pressure a qb if the receivers aren't uninhibited at the line. Did anyone else see this?
Most of the coverage seemed to be zone...and not very physical...The Texas D-Line did not get penetration...I agree that I expected a different defensive scheme...and I respect Muschamp alot..IMO,a top notch coach..maybe he knew something we did not know.
Texas has a very young secondary. I imagine they played as they did in hopes that Texas Tech would do something to stop themselves, rather than setting up Harrell and Crabtree for a lot of big plays.
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