🏈 Hardest offense to gameplan for?

Went over some film today of a few games. And noticed that of those games, the offense with the most success used a lot of pre snap motions, and lots of pulling guards and backside blocking tight ends. They were heavily running RPOs, or RPO type concepts. They were also usually very uptempo as well, got the playcall, and were at the line very quickly. This has got to be one of the most difficult type of offenses to defend, these offenses usually use the pre snap motions to try and create mismatches for them against the competition. In these instances, playing man coverage will likely get you burnt, and beat for a touchdown, or a significant gain in yardage. Saban and Smart (or anyone who uses the system) usually plays a lot of zone against it, and if they like to use a lot of crossing routes, they'll pattern match it. So let's say they come out in a 2 by 1 set, and are in 10 personnel. They line up both the 1 and 2 receivers to the boundary, then motion the number 2 receiver to the field side, the nickel is gonna follow the number 2 receiver to that side of the field. If the defense feels there is a threat they'll try to run it to the boundary side after getting that nickel away from there, the defense(Sabans in this instance) will likely bring that safety down in a RIP/LIZ concept, so that he can help in run support, and/or help cover the flat, or the quarter of the field if they pass it. That's just one situation in an offense like this, we can go on for a long time in scheming up ways to stop it. Let me know what offense you feel is hardest to defend, and how would youd defend it.
Oh, and another big thing with these types of offense is the importance of your defenders using their eyes, and being able to read their keys quickly, and effectively on just about every down. Especially against a offense that uses similar concepts like these, but are run oriented instead, like Malzahn or Mullen. They use a lot of pulling lineman, so the fist and second levels have to play with discipline every play. Especially linebackers, they need to be able to stay in their gaps and not overrun the play, because that'll create lanes for them to work with, and get a big play. Also need the lineman to win up front so the second level can stack and track the ball carrier freely, if they get a guard to that second level and arent able to stack and shed the blocker, they're gonna get big plays. That's why we always had fits against those two bastards. It's a tough offense to defend.
Multiple formations, a lot of motion, pulling linemen, and mobility at QB all cause problems. Trying to replicate all of that in practice makes it close to impossible. Keys for the defense change. Some read the head of the OL in front, while others read thru to the nearest back. A lot of “eye candy”/ pre-snap movement causes guys to sometimes bail on the coaching they receive and cause more problems.
Wishbone, Wing T, Spread Option- all concepts used in today’s games and the 4-5 WRs with a mobile QB.
Auburn's offense under Malzahn, because it relied mostly on luck. LOL. But seriously I think the hardest thing to prepare for is a QB who is elite, or who is having an elite game. It doesn't matter how good your defense is, if you are facing a top QB, or one who is having the game of his life, then he will have success against you no matter what. Think of Garcia in 2010, or Deshaun Watson, or Cardale Jones. When a QB is hot and in the flow, then that offense is going to score.

Scheme wise I think Sark is a mastermind at pre snap motion, player isolation, and just getting guys open. But in the end it's all about the QB. Quinn Ewers was destroying our secondary before he got hurt. It's all about the QB in the modern era of football. And that's true in the pros as well.

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