| FTBL Terry Grant??

JacobGibson05 said:
Anyone know why terry grant didnt play in the GA game? and will he be back for the KY game?

He is kind of buried in the rotation. Coach Saban and Mac prefer north/South runners. In my opinion, Grant would be better off moving to WR. He has good hands and great speed.
JacobGibson05 said:
So he was moved to 4th string?

Basically. If we run across a team where Saban & Co. believe running to the corners instead of up the gut, Grant will probably see a lot of playing time. As long as we're running it straight ahead, we'll see Coffee, Ingram, and Upchurch.
JacobGibson05 said:
So he was moved to 4th string?

Looks that way. Upchurch is doing very well and even with Ingram out hurt for most of the UGA game, Grant never saw the field as a RB.

He is contributing on special teams.
Bama Bo said:
JacobGibson05 said:
So he was moved to 4th string?

Basically. If we run across a team where Saban & Co. believe running to the corners instead of up the gut, Grant will probably see a lot of playing time. As long as we're running it straight ahead, we'll see Coffee, Ingram, and Upchurch.

That is potentially this week, since UK has big DT's and less speed than we have...
but I still think we gash them up the gut with success, then burn them with the play action.
JacobGibson05 said:
I got cha. Well having too many good running backs to where you can't play them all is a good problem to have :p

Remember last season? We had Lowe starting due to injuries and suspensions? Not a good situation.
I'm with you guys on this. Terry Grant can be an explosive back who FLORIDA would love to have right about now. He's fast enough on the outside to break away, just not the power back that is called for against some teams. Of course, no one is going to argue with what is working, but heck, Smitty is opening up big enough holes on that left side that it's almost LIKE running outside!!! UGA sure didn't know the difference.

BIG FAN OF TERRY GRANT. I'd like to see #29 get lots and lots more carries. He's the man.
TG is now delegated the title of "role" player. He has to understand what part he plays on this team and take it on with a sense of pride. Alot of young players have a hard time with that and move on to other things. I think TG knows that he is part of something special and he wants to be a part of it. I'm sure CNS is reminding him along with Coach Burns that his time is coming and to take full advantage when it arrives.
ExiledTidefan said:
I'm with you guys on this. Terry Grant can be an explosive back who FLORIDA would love to have right about now. He's fast enough on the outside to break away, just not the power back that is called for against some teams. Of course, no one is going to argue with what is working, but heck, Smitty is opening up big enough holes on that left side that it's almost LIKE running outside!!! UGA sure didn't know the difference.

BIG FAN OF TERRY GRANT. I'd like to see #29 get lots and lots more carries. He's the man.

he was at Florida right now, he wouldn't have as many carries as he does right now, at Bama, and running essentially 4th string.

TG's sitting on 22 carries, their leading RB (as in starting) has 21 carries.
TerryP said:
ExiledTidefan said:
I'm with you guys on this. Terry Grant can be an explosive back who FLORIDA would love to have right about now. He's fast enough on the outside to break away, just not the power back that is called for against some teams. Of course, no one is going to argue with what is working, but heck, Smitty is opening up big enough holes on that left side that it's almost LIKE running outside!!! UGA sure didn't know the difference.

BIG FAN OF TERRY GRANT. I'd like to see #29 get lots and lots more carries. He's the man.

he was at Florida right now, he wouldn't have as many carries as he does right now, at Bama, and running essentially 4th string.

TG's sitting on 22 carries, their leading RB (as in starting) has 21 carries.

Which is why the top prospect in Florida this year is committed to Bama.
Argo said:
TerryP said:
ExiledTidefan said:
I'm with you guys on this. Terry Grant can be an explosive back who FLORIDA would love to have right about now. He's fast enough on the outside to break away, just not the power back that is called for against some teams. Of course, no one is going to argue with what is working, but heck, Smitty is opening up big enough holes on that left side that it's almost LIKE running outside!!! UGA sure didn't know the difference.

BIG FAN OF TERRY GRANT. I'd like to see #29 get lots and lots more carries. He's the man.

he was at Florida right now, he wouldn't have as many carries as he does right now, at Bama, and running essentially 4th string.

TG's sitting on 22 carries, their leading RB (as in starting) has 21 carries.

Which is why the top prospect in Florida this year is committed to Bama.

It's a joke that Meyer is continually hitting him with the recruiting line on how he'll use RB's in his system when he said the same thing to Emmanuel Moody last fall and this spring.

He's got 4, maybe 5, RB's down there that have seen playing time. I'd bet one of them is going to be looking at a transfer just to be able to carry the ball...not to much about playing time, just to touch the damn thing!

The "luster" is falling off down there, perhaps fading is a better word...they are sitting there with a ton of talented, skill athletes and only two of the (one if you don't include Tebow) are getting the action.

Harvin or Tebow gets hurt...that season will go down, quickly, to another 4 loss type of ordeal.

Heck, a lot of weird things going on in the east.
I respect the heck out of Terry Grant this year. Talk about a mature approach thus far. I would like to thank him for potentially stopping a TD the other night either on a punt or kickoff return. He made an awesome shoe-string tackle.

That in itself is more than many players can say. I hope he does get more carries this year. I feel really sorry for him. I'm sure he doesn't want us feeling that way though.

I love those toss sweeps to him on the left side. Maybe we will have a team that we'll need that type approach on. I hope we haven't seen the last of him rushing. He's not the power back of Ingram, Coffee and Upchurch but he has lots to offer the team.
TerryP said:
It's a joke that Meyer is continually hitting him with the recruiting line on how he'll use RB's in his system when he said the same thing to Emmanuel Moody last fall and this spring.

He's got 4, maybe 5, RB's down there that have seen playing time. I'd bet one of them is going to be looking at a transfer just to be able to carry the ball...not to much about playing time, just to touch the damn thing!

The "luster" is falling off down there, perhaps fading is a better word...they are sitting there with a ton of talented, skill athletes and only two of the (one if you don't include Tebow) are getting the action.

Harvin or Tebow gets hurt...that season will go down, quickly, to another 4 loss type of ordeal.

Heck, a lot of weird things going on in the east.
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Urban (and specifically OC Dan Mullen) have tunnel vision in that Harvin has to get the most touches in a game. It has diminished all the other talent on the team...I'm sure there are some unspoken issues going on down here on offense. Certainly, you can only go to all your recruits for so long telling them all they're all "gonna be the next Percy Harvin" before it catches up to you.

They've also tried to make Tebow into more of a pocket passer this year, with mixed results. That's not Tebow. Maybe they're trying to improve his NFL draft stock.

Moody, awesome back and much bally-hooed by CUM when he got him from SC. He has had some injuries which has held him back, but CUM's main concern is his tendency to fumble. Moody was KILLING IT in the spring game this year, having a great game. He was finishing a 10-15 yard TD run when he got hit from behind and fumbled. CUM does not forget stuff like that. Their main back from the last couple of years (Kestan Moore) disappeared from the offense after a critical fumble against UGA. (I think it was UGA).

Anyway...the fans down here on sports radio are talking about being fed up with CUM's spread O. Lots of comments regarding Bama's game with UGA...UF fans are begging to go to that type of offense.
IMO TG is one of the best backs (scat) that we've seen in a long time, before his injury. It seems like it would be a great idea to alternate up the gut then to the edges. But, you can't question our progress thus far. I just hope to see him get hot in a game this season.
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