| FTBL Teams That Suck, So Far


FSU: No brainer here. I gave them the benefit of a doubt as GT may actually be pretty good this year. They just removed any doubt against BC. Guess the 2nd team QB has only one arm and it's not on his "strong" side and the best "D" line in the ACC must have been down at Footlocker, because the line I saw = Shit through a Tin Horn. :p

Florida: That was just ugly.

Clemson: Dabo may as well do his radio rant now. Looking like a long year. In fairness they did play UGA, but that was an all around beatdown.

Texas A&M: 😬 WTF. Just got ND ranked #1.:p

Virginia Tech: Vandy? really? c'mon man.

West Virgina: McAfee lovefest Darkhorse. Always good to take that out of the equation early to prevent those false hopes.

North Carolina and Minnesota: They removed any excitement for the season beginning, watching that game. :sleep: Fairness to UNC, their starting QB did break his leg.

I'm sure I missed a few, like teams that won, but it wasn't pretty, Michigan, UCLA, Oregon, and others I'm sure.
Got that right. Even Napier was drinking his own cool-aid, preseason. I believe they all had tickets on the California high speed rail.
Just got off a Zoom with a client who is a good friend of mine. Years. A Florida guy...owns one of their main sites. I could only shrug. You can go back a few years and find posts where I asked about Mullen and his recruiting...saying, it was going to kill that program.

If I had editorial control over a Dictionary...crash and burn would be Florida Football.
As bad as FSU has looked, I’d say Florida has been the worse team I’ve seen so far.

Clemson looked how they’ve looked for a few years, so not shocked at all, UGA or not that team is terrible.

Finally although NDSU is a good team, Boulder (as they’re called here) didn’t look great
As bad as FSU has looked, I’d say Florida has been the worse team I’ve seen so far.

Clemson looked how they’ve looked for a few years, so not shocked at all, UGA or not that team is terrible.

Finally although NDSU is a good team, Boulder (as they’re called here) didn’t look great
Florida wasn’t ranked #10. Any team can have a bad game, but FSU has had two, in a row, in front of a national audience.
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