| FTBL Stoops whining about the BCS



If you win your games, everything else takes care of itself. And if you lose one, whine about the rankings to the media. I'm glad our coach is more concerned with getting his team ready to dominate their opponent.
“If you can’t move us in front of Texas because they beat us, then you have to keep Texas Tech in front of Texas,” Stoops said over the weekend. “If you’re going to forgive a team for losing at home to an unranked team because they’re playing well now — well, we’re playing pretty well now, too. If it’s logical for someone else, it’s logical for us.”
While Im no fan of the BCS system....it is ( or seems to be ) fair to all teams..that being the same formula is applied to all of the teams...That being said, I can understand Stoops feelings and where he is coming from. I dont think it is a perfect system, but its all we got right now. I personally dont think he is doing his players any favors by commenting on it and drawing attention to it....he should be coaching.
weezyfbaby00 said:
If you win your games, everything else takes care of itself. And if you lose one, whine about the rankings to the media. I'm glad our coach is more concerned with getting his team ready to dominate their opponent.
“If you can’t move us in front of Texas because they beat us, then you have to keep Texas Tech in front of Texas,” Stoops said over the weekend. “If you’re going to forgive a team for losing at home to an unranked team because they’re playing well now — well, we’re playing pretty well now, too. If it’s logical for someone else, it’s logical for us.”
I will say this if Alabama had one loss we would be ranked about 8th or ninth! This whining is disgusting Urban Meyer has done it Mack Brown now stoops! Thank god Saban is focused on the Iron Bowl!
PointnLaugh said:
OU is 8/1000ths of a point behind UT in BCS rankings. If they beat OSU, I think they move ahead of UT. Stoops should keep his mouth shut and worry about the cowpokes.

Exactly...A win over OSU will be way more impressive than Texas' win over aTm.
If he put all that energy he has into preparing for games instead of whining he might have actually beaten Texas and wouldn't have to worry about it. I sincerely hope OSU drops 50 on them now.
I agree with the poster that said Bama would be much farther behind with one loss. We wouldn't be in the picture, unless we went to Atlanta and beat Florida.

And let me tell you...Gator fans think this SECCG is locked up. They are so over-confident, you can almost smell them about to implode. I have never heard of a 1 loss, #4 BCS team being so confident as it heads into a game with an undefeated #1 BCS team.

Alas, I get ahead of myself too. AUBURN awaits. I want them beat into SUBMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RTR!
weezyfbaby00 said:
If you win your games, everything else takes care of itself. And if you lose one, whine about the rankings to the media. I'm glad our coach is more concerned with getting his team ready to dominate their opponent.
“If you can’t move us in front of Texas because they beat us, then you have to keep Texas Tech in front of Texas,” Stoops said over the weekend. “If you’re going to forgive a team for losing at home to an unranked team because they’re playing well now — well, we’re playing pretty well now, too. If it’s logical for someone else, it’s logical for us.”

Not whinning in my book it's logic! He's right! Playoffs!
ExiledTidefan said:
I agree with the poster that said Bama would be much farther behind with one loss. We wouldn't be in the picture, unless we went to Atlanta and beat Florida.

And let me tell you...Gator fans think this SECCG is locked up. They are so over-confident, you can almost smell them about to implode. I have never heard of a 1 loss, #4 BCS team being so confident as it heads into a game with an undefeated #1 BCS team.

Alas, I get ahead of myself too. AUBURN awaits. I want them beat into SUBMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RTR!

Makes me think UF is the Miami team from the 80's/ early 90's...
planomateo said:
38AUTiger said:
Eight team playoff will stop this crap.

how's that, still doesn't mean the 8 teams were the right 8 teams to be playing.

I thought the whole point of the BCS was to hold a game between #1 and #2 to ensure the correct MNC.

If that's the case surely we would have at the very least the most deserving teams to be considered for a national championship and then some. How many years has it been where there are 9 teams deserving of a national title shot in a given year at the end of the season?

I think you could make the case that with an 8 team playoff you are defiantly not going to leave any team out that would traditionally be left out via the current BCS system. So what's the hold up?
ghice said:
planomateo said:
38AUTiger said:
Eight team playoff will stop this crap.

how's that, still doesn't mean the 8 teams were the right 8 teams to be playing.

I thought the whole point of the BCS was to hold a game between #1 and #2 to ensure the correct MNC.

If that's the case surely we would have at the very least the most deserving teams to be considered for a national championship and then some. How many years has it been where there are 9 teams deserving of a national title shot in a given year at the end of the season?

I think you could make the case that with an 8 team playoff you are defiantly not going to leave any team out that would traditionally be left out via the current BCS system. So what's the hold up?

Exactly. And even if it isn't a perfect way to do things, it certainly is a better and more fair way of going about doing it. I don't think we should just give up trying to tweak the system just because we'll never make a system that is perfect.
So the MNC is settled by Computers and Whining Coaches if there are no undefeated teams in the NC game?

8-team enter, 1-team exits.
I think we can all agree that a playoff is needed. But I don't wanna hear coaches bitch about the BCS rankings. Oklahoma beat Texas Tech, Texas Tech beat Texas. He would have an argument to be ahead of Texas if he hadn't lost to them. He was on CFL today, whining about the system again.

Riddle me this, how can USC be ranked above PSU? They both beat OSU. SC at home, PSU on the road. PSU demolished Oregon State, USC lost to them? :?

Pete Carroll said a few weeks ago, I'm paraphrasing, "I dunno how the system works, if you(media) do, tell me". For Pete's sake, I'll tell you how it works. Don't lose to teams inferior to you like UCLA(06), Stanford(07), or Oregon State(08), and with your weak schedule you can make a run at the big one.

The thing about the BCS, is that you control your own destiny most of the time. Yeah, teams get screwed, but we have done nothing but win and if we continue they can't deny us a shot at the NC. I don't like to see coaches campaign for their team. I guess I've gotten used to Saban preaching about worrying what you can control. So until their is a playoff, prepare your team for every week as if it was and elimination game. Because, basically that's what it is. Sorry if this is all over the place, I just had some stuff to say and this is the perfect place to do it. :D RTR
I think 38AU might be saying pull from the BCS conferences that have legit records(this DQs ACC) and several at large teams. Possible 8 teams being
Penn State
Boise State
I'm not saying these are the top 8 but it would come closer than sticking in an ACC, Big East, or another lesser conference team in the mix.
^^ No need to have Alabama and Florida both in the playoffs, since they play each other.

My ideal playoff system would simply be the conference champions duking it out for the title. That would take it out of the media and pollsters' hands.
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