TitanTiger said:
Interesting. So, did the team have more discipline and pride under Shula when they blew out ULM last year but lost to Tennessee and Arkansas? Because that contradictory thinking is rearing its head again here.
That may be the most backwards rationale for anything I've ever read. Last season, our team lacked depth even worse than this year. We were starting a new QB, our O-Line was comprised of Freshmen and Sophomores, and our play-calling left a lot to be desired. These factors led to our losing to UT and Arkansas.
This season, we have a more experienced O-Line and QB. Our play-calling has been somewhat better as well, which led to us beating UT and Arkansas.
Talent and depth are much bigger factors when playing good teams than they are when playing poor teams. I do blame CNS for the losses to MSU and ULM, but I understand the issues that we have on our team. Terry did a wonderful job of bringing these things up. I had this same conversation today at work which is when it occurred to me that our "Senior Leadership" didn't exist. I will not shed a tear at the loss of the majority of this senior class, and only hope that the underclassmen can see what is going on and takes appropriate action to prevent the same issues next season.