| FTBL So here's the thing....


I like to accentuate the positives when the Tide wins because I will never take any win for granted. That being said, here are the positives I saw tonight:

First the obvious, special teams were special tonight. Without their contribution, we are talking about a 7-3 ball game tonight and the whole BamaNation would truly be in meltdown mode despite the "W". What a great job by Roy Upchurch blocking that kick. Talking about a guy who is a team player and has become an excellent role player. #5 is asserting himself a leader. Roll Tide!

Rolando McLain was an animal out there tonight. He covered more territory on the field than anyone tonight. Every time I saw the ball carrier, I saw #25 and if he wasn't near the ball carrier, he was giving the Green Wave QB pure hell.

Cory Reamer grew by leaps and bounds from game 1 to game 2. He was huge on "D" tonight and save one error by Brandon Fanney, he was pretty damn good in his own right. How about that true fresman from Tennesse tonight (Hightower, #30)? He had a couple of rookie miscues but was around the ball all night as well.

Hard to tip the hat to the OL tonight but it is somewhat understandable that they had an off night with big ol' 71 out of the line up. By the way, I love how big ol' Andre was settling down Corey Smith on the sideline after a rough first outing. It looked like Andre is taking the guy under his wing a bit and the guy is a kicker. It shows Andre's growth as a TEAM leader as well. Marlon Davis was also sorely missed and this displaced a couple of guys out of their true positions. All in all, the line was dreadful but with the injuries, it should get better.

John Parker didn't stand a chance tonight but stayed composed. Yeah, he overthrew Julio on one occasion and over threw a couple of others but there were no interceptions and he got rid of the ball when there was nothing. Huge improvement from last season. He also seems to be checking off this year better than last. The graduation of Hall may have helped him like some speculated before the season with regard to checking off to his 2nd and 3rd receivers. But coaches, please....pretty please don't go away from throwing to the TE's. The middle slant has been effective and we used it only twice tonight? Why? It's not like our opponents haven't seen us use the play and even when they react to it, they can't defend big ol' 88.

Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to <edit> be quiet <end> :shock: about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert. This team is very young and the couple of injuries on the OL exemplified our vulnerability. If we can stay healthy, we have the talent to hang with any team on our schedule but we are just now building our numbers. These things do take time.

I really expect our team to have a better showing next week. The biggest loss tonight was not allowing any other QB's see the field. We have got to get some of our backups some PT.

Roll Tide! :)
bamafan4ever said:
I like to accentuate the positives when the Tide wins because I will never take any win for granted. That being said, here are the positives I saw tonight:

First the obvious, special teams were special tonight. Without their contribution, we are talking about a 7-3 ball game tonight and the whole BamaNation would truly be in meltdown mode despite the "W". What a great job by Roy Upchurch blocking that kick. Talking about a guy who is a team player and has become an excellent role player. #5 is asserting himself a leader. Roll Tide!

Rolando McLain was an animal out there tonight. He covered more territory on the field than anyone tonight. Every time I saw the ball carrier, I saw #25 and if he wasn't near the ball carrier, he was giving the Green Wave QB pure hell.

Cory Reamer grew by leaps and bounds from game 1 to game 2. He was huge on "D" tonight and save one error by Brandon Fanney, he was pretty damn good in his own right. How about that true fresman from Tennesse tonight (Hightower, #30)? He had a couple of rookie miscues but was around the ball all night as well.

Hard to tip the hat to the OL tonight but it is somewhat understandable that they had an off night with big ol' 71 out of the line up. By the way, I love how big ol' Andre was settling down Corey Smith on the sideline after a rough first outing. It looked like Andre is taking the guy under his wing a bit and the guy is a kicker. It shows Andre's growth as a TEAM leader as well. Marlon Davis was also sorely missed and this displaced a couple of guys out of their true positions. All in all, the line was dreadful but with the injuries, it should get better.

John Parker didn't stand a chance tonight but stayed composed. Yeah, he overthrew Julio on one occasion and over threw a couple of others but there were no interceptions and he got rid of the ball when there was nothing. Huge improvement from last season. He also seems to be checking off this year better than last. The graduation of Hall may have helped him like some speculated before the season with regard to checking off to his 2nd and 3rd receivers. But coaches, please....pretty please don't go away from throwing to the TE's. The middle slant has been effective and we used it only twice tonight? Why? It's not like our opponents haven't seen us use the play and even when they react to it, they can't defend big ol' 88.

Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert. This team is very young and the couple of injuries on the OL exemplified our vulnerability. If we can stay healthy, we have the talent to hang with any team on our schedule but we are just now building our numbers. These things do take time.

I really expect our team to have a better showing next week. The biggest loss tonight was not allowing any other QB's see the field. We have got to get some of our backups some PT.

Roll Tide!

Spot on! ;tr
bear facts said:
bamafan4ever said:
I like to accentuate the positives when the Tide wins because I will never take any win for granted. That being said, here are the positives I saw tonight:

First the obvious, special teams were special tonight. Without their contribution, we are talking about a 7-3 ball game tonight and the whole BamaNation would truly be in meltdown mode despite the "W". What a great job by Roy Upchurch blocking that kick. Talking about a guy who is a team player and has become an excellent role player. #5 is asserting himself a leader. Roll Tide!

Rolando McLain was an animal out there tonight. He covered more territory on the field than anyone tonight. Every time I saw the ball carrier, I saw #25 and if he wasn't near the ball carrier, he was giving the Green Wave QB pure hell.

Cory Reamer grew by leaps and bounds from game 1 to game 2. He was huge on "D" tonight and save one error by Brandon Fanney, he was pretty damn good in his own right. How about that true fresman from Tennesse tonight (Hightower, #30)? He had a couple of rookie miscues but was around the ball all night as well.

Hard to tip the hat to the OL tonight but it is somewhat understandable that they had an off night with big ol' 71 out of the line up. By the way, I love how big ol' Andre was settling down Corey Smith on the sideline after a rough first outing. It looked like Andre is taking the guy under his wing a bit and the guy is a kicker. It shows Andre's growth as a TEAM leader as well. Marlon Davis was also sorely missed and this displaced a couple of guys out of their true positions. All in all, the line was dreadful but with the injuries, it should get better.

John Parker didn't stand a chance tonight but stayed composed. Yeah, he overthrew Julio on one occasion and over threw a couple of others but there were no interceptions and he got rid of the ball when there was nothing. Huge improvement from last season. He also seems to be checking off this year better than last. The graduation of Hall may have helped him like some speculated before the season with regard to checking off to his 2nd and 3rd receivers. But coaches, please....pretty please don't go away from throwing to the TE's. The middle slant has been effective and we used it only twice tonight? Why? It's not like our opponents haven't seen us use the play and even when they react to it, they can't defend big ol' 88.

Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert. This team is very young and the couple of injuries on the OL exemplified our vulnerability. If we can stay healthy, we have the talent to hang with any team on our schedule but we are just now building our numbers. These things do take time.

I really expect our team to have a better showing next week. The biggest loss tonight was not allowing any other QB's see the field. We have got to get some of our backups some PT.

Roll Tide!

Spot on! ;tr
Spot on 2! ;tr
rick4bama said:
bear facts said:
bamafan4ever said:
I like to accentuate the positives when the Tide wins because I will never take any win for granted. That being said, here are the positives I saw tonight:

First the obvious, special teams were special tonight. Without their contribution, we are talking about a 7-3 ball game tonight and the whole BamaNation would truly be in meltdown mode despite the "W". What a great job by Roy Upchurch blocking that kick. Talking about a guy who is a team player and has become an excellent role player. #5 is asserting himself a leader. Roll Tide!

Rolando McLain was an animal out there tonight. He covered more territory on the field than anyone tonight. Every time I saw the ball carrier, I saw #25 and if he wasn't near the ball carrier, he was giving the Green Wave QB pure hell.

Cory Reamer grew by leaps and bounds from game 1 to game 2. He was huge on "D" tonight and save one error by Brandon Fanney, he was pretty damn good in his own right. How about that true fresman from Tennesse tonight (Hightower, #30)? He had a couple of rookie miscues but was around the ball all night as well.

Hard to tip the hat to the OL tonight but it is somewhat understandable that they had an off night with big ol' 71 out of the line up. By the way, I love how big ol' Andre was settling down Corey Smith on the sideline after a rough first outing. It looked like Andre is taking the guy under his wing a bit and the guy is a kicker. It shows Andre's growth as a TEAM leader as well. Marlon Davis was also sorely missed and this displaced a couple of guys out of their true positions. All in all, the line was dreadful but with the injuries, it should get better.

John Parker didn't stand a chance tonight but stayed composed. Yeah, he overthrew Julio on one occasion and over threw a couple of others but there were no interceptions and he got rid of the ball when there was nothing. Huge improvement from last season. He also seems to be checking off this year better than last. The graduation of Hall may have helped him like some speculated before the season with regard to checking off to his 2nd and 3rd receivers. But coaches, please....pretty please don't go away from throwing to the TE's. The middle slant has been effective and we used it only twice tonight? Why? It's not like our opponents haven't seen us use the play and even when they react to it, they can't defend big ol' 88.

Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert. This team is very young and the couple of injuries on the OL exemplified our vulnerability. If we can stay healthy, we have the talent to hang with any team on our schedule but we are just now building our numbers. These things do take time.

I really expect our team to have a better showing next week. The biggest loss tonight was not allowing any other QB's see the field. We have got to get some of our backups some PT.

Roll Tide!

Spot on! ;tr
Spot on 2! ;tr

Great analysis
bamafan4ever said:
Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert.

bamafan4ever, I think this part of your analysis is flawed. First off, the large majority of the, "crown us now as the best in the land", rumblings were not our fanbase but, the national media.

As usual, the perceptions are put out there about our fanbase and about our team by just about everyone except the actual fans.

For instance, 'Bama didn't put itself on the cover of SI, did they? 'Bama didn't choose a ranking of #13 in the AP on it's own did it, no, the voters did that.

'Bama didn't talk about themselves incessantly on all the talk radio shows and ESPN and they didn't write their own articles about how well they did in all the papers and on all the websites did they?

We had a great win, there was absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that and being happy. I, personally, probably like the majority of 'Bama fans, didn't think we were locks for the NC last week and don't think all is lost this week.

But really, fans like you who come out preaching and generalizing after a close and scary win and being pompous concerning others fans is a little annoying.

That is what I find really aggravating, the preachers. You guys seem to believe that a close win or even a loss gives you license to demean and demoralize 'Bama fans who show spirit and emotion.

If you are embarrassed by 'Bama fans who like being excited about a big win, that is on you. The facts of the matter are that I have not seen or spoken with any really irrational fans, in real life or on message boards. I spoke with some very happy ones, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that is there?

Let's try to keep what 'Bama fans think and what we say and how we feel separate from what you read about what 'Bama fans think or how they feel. Those two things can be polar opposites.
CtrlAltieDel said:
bamafan4ever said:
Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert.

bamafan4ever, I think this part of your analysis is flawed. First off, the large majority of the, "crown us now as the best in the land", rumblings were not our fanbase but, the national media.

As usual, the perceptions are put out there about our fanbase and about our team by just about everyone except the actual fans.

For instance, 'Bama didn't put itself on the cover of SI, did they? 'Bama didn't choose a ranking of #13 in the AP on it's own did it, no, the voters did that.

'Bama didn't talk about themselves incessantly on all the talk radio shows and ESPN and they didn't write their own articles about how well they did in all the papers and on all the websites did they?

We had a great win, there was absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that and being happy. I, personally, probably like the majority of 'Bama fans, didn't think we were locks for the NC last week and don't think all is lost this week.

But really, fans like you who come out preaching and generalizing after a close and scary win and being pompous concerning others fans is a little annoying.

That is what I find really aggravating, the preachers. You guys seem to believe that a close win or even a loss gives you license to demean and demoralize 'Bama fans who show spirit and emotion.

If you are embarrassed by 'Bama fans who like being excited about a big win, that is on you. The facts of the matter are that I have not seen on message boards or spoken with in person any really irrational fans. I spoke with some very happy ones, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that is there?

Let's try to keep what 'Bama fans think and what we say and how we feel separate from what you read about what 'Bama fans think or how they feel. Those two things can be polar opposites.

I agree.
CtrlAltieDel said:
bamafan4ever said:
Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert.

bamafan4ever, I think this part of your analysis is flawed. First off, the large majority of the, "crown us now as the best in the land", rumblings were not our fanbase but, the national media.

As usual, the perceptions are put out there about our fanbase and about our team by just about everyone except the actual fans.

For instance, 'Bama didn't put itself on the cover of SI, did they? 'Bama didn't choose a ranking of #13 in the AP on it's own did it, no, the voters did that.

'Bama didn't talk about themselves incessantly on all the talk radio shows and ESPN and they didn't write their own articles about how well they did in all the papers and on all the websites did they?

We had a great win, there was absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that and being happy. I, personally, probably like the majority of 'Bama fans, didn't think we were locks for the NC last week and don't think all is lost this week.

But really, fans like you who come out preaching and generalizing after a close and scary win and being pompous concerning others fans is a little annoying.

That is what I find really aggravating, the preachers. You guys seem to believe that a close win or even a loss gives you license to demean and demoralize 'Bama fans who show spirit and emotion.

If you are embarrassed by 'Bama fans who like being excited about a big win, that is on you. The facts of the matter are that I have not seen or spoken with any really irrational fans, in real life or on message boards. I spoke with some very happy ones, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that is there?

Let's try to keep what 'Bama fans think and what we say and how we feel separate from what you read about what 'Bama fans think or how they feel. Those two things can be polar opposites.

Good grief. A bit touchy aren't you? Don't take out your frustrations of what other people have said about BAMA fans in the past on me. How about that? I am a BAMA fan and I was as happy as anyone this last week and there was nothing wrong with that. I am not going to go through the trouble of showing you contrasts and comparisons by copying and pasting quotes but if you take the time and read some of the posts from last week and then look at some of the remarks this week you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

Your evaluation of what I was saying is nothing more than just contrived drama for apparently yours and Elephant Stomps entertainment. I am far from being out of touch from the way BAMA fans are or feel being one myself for the last, oh, 41 years. And by the way, no, I won't keep the way I "feel" from being emulated on this board. It's my job. If you can't handle it, don't click on my threads. That would be my pompous offering of advice to you.

...and by the way, where are the remarks on the other 7 or so paragraphs. Simply out to troll I see.
bamafan4ever said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
bamafan4ever said:
Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert.

bamafan4ever, I think this part of your analysis is flawed. First off, the large majority of the, "crown us now as the best in the land", rumblings were not our fanbase but, the national media.

As usual, the perceptions are put out there about our fanbase and about our team by just about everyone except the actual fans.

For instance, 'Bama didn't put itself on the cover of SI, did they? 'Bama didn't choose a ranking of #13 in the AP on it's own did it, no, the voters did that.

'Bama didn't talk about themselves incessantly on all the talk radio shows and ESPN and they didn't write their own articles about how well they did in all the papers and on all the websites did they?

We had a great win, there was absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that and being happy. I, personally, probably like the majority of 'Bama fans, didn't think we were locks for the NC last week and don't think all is lost this week.

But really, fans like you who come out preaching and generalizing after a close and scary win and being pompous concerning others fans is a little annoying.

That is what I find really aggravating, the preachers. You guys seem to believe that a close win or even a loss gives you license to demean and demoralize 'Bama fans who show spirit and emotion.

If you are embarrassed by 'Bama fans who like being excited about a big win, that is on you. The facts of the matter are that I have not seen or spoken with any really irrational fans, in real life or on message boards. I spoke with some very happy ones, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that is there?

Let's try to keep what 'Bama fans think and what we say and how we feel separate from what you read about what 'Bama fans think or how they feel. Those two things can be polar opposites.

Good grief. A bit touchy aren't you? Don't take out your frustrations of what other people have said about BAMA fans in the past on me. How about that? I am a BAMA fan and I was as happy as anyone this last week and there was nothing wrong with that. I am not going to go through the trouble of showing you contrasts and comparisons by copying and pasting quotes but if you take the time and read some of the posts from last week and then look at some of the remarks this week you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

Your evaluation of what I was saying is nothing more than just contrived drama for apparently yours and Elephant Stomps entertainment. I am far from being out of touch from the way BAMA fans are or feel being one myself for the last, oh, 41 years. And by the way, no, I won't keep the way I "feel" from being emulated on this board. It's my job. If you can't handle it, don't click on my threads. That would be my pompous offering of advice to you.

...and by the way, where are the remarks on the other 7 or so paragraphs. Simply out to troll I see.

Emotions are running wild.

Just my perspective, but I found his reply less offensive than your initial characterization...but it was emotion driven.

Just my read, but Altie likely had an issue with you telling people to shut up and with your basket case reference. You had an issue with his generalization of people "like you." That phrase always pushes buttons.

Both of you are good guys. It was stressful and emotional to see us struggle against Tulane. Oh well. It will all be better tomorrow.

Give each other a "Roll Tide," gnaw on a rib, and make merry - we are 2-0.
bamafan4ever said:
Good grief. A bit touchy aren't you? Don't take out your frustrations of what other people have said about BAMA fans in the past on me. How about that? I am a BAMA fan and I was as happy as anyone this last week and there was nothing wrong with that. I am not going to go through the trouble of showing you contrasts and comparisons by copying and pasting quotes but if you take the time and read some of the posts from last week and then look at some of the remarks this week you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

Your evaluation of what I was saying is nothing more than just contrived drama for apparently yours and Elephant Stomps entertainment. I am far from being out of touch from the way BAMA fans are or feel being one myself for the last, oh, 41 years. And by the way, no, I won't keep the way I "feel" from being emulated on this board. It's my job. If you can't handle it, don't click on my threads. That would be my pompous offering of advice to you.

...and by the way, where are the remarks on the other 7 or so paragraphs. Simply out to troll I see.

No, not touchy at all. You are the poster telling other 'Bama fans to shut up because they are melodramatic fools and basket cases.

I don't see how you can reasonably say I am a bit touchy when you are telling fellow fans to shut up.

As far as the other 7 paragraphs, I feel you ruined them with your really stupid paragraph wherein you were arrogantly chastising 'Bama fans for some perceived wrong.

You use that stupid song from a decade ago or so as a battering ram and draw parallels between 'Bama fans and melodramatic fools and basket cases and say that it fits us so well.

I don't agree with that and feel that you are the type of poster to smugly attack other fans when they may be a little bit disappointed in the way the team played.

In this response, you say you will not go to the trouble of comparing posts from last week with posts from this week. I suppose you feel that will prove some non-existent point that you are trying to make.

Wow. Are you actually on record as stating that postings on a college football message board will show some differences when a team wins and when a team loses? That is pretty daring of you to go out on a limb like that.

Frankly, the only poster I have seen being kind of crazy and freaking out is you. You are freaking out and telling other posters to shut up because you are afraid they are going to whine, but you kind of seem like the one going off the deep end.
Big_Fan said:
bamafan4ever said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
bamafan4ever said:
Finally, I have heard people complain about our band playing "Basketcase" at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Well, you people just need to shut up about it because it fits our fan base so well. The whole "do you have the time to listen to me whine?" and "...melodramatic fool.." lyric rings true of BAMA fans. Some were ready to ordain us National Champs last week and now some of the same ones are in full "sky is falling" alert.

bamafan4ever, I think this part of your analysis is flawed. First off, the large majority of the, "crown us now as the best in the land", rumblings were not our fanbase but, the national media.

As usual, the perceptions are put out there about our fanbase and about our team by just about everyone except the actual fans.

For instance, 'Bama didn't put itself on the cover of SI, did they? 'Bama didn't choose a ranking of #13 in the AP on it's own did it, no, the voters did that.

'Bama didn't talk about themselves incessantly on all the talk radio shows and ESPN and they didn't write their own articles about how well they did in all the papers and on all the websites did they?

We had a great win, there was absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that and being happy. I, personally, probably like the majority of 'Bama fans, didn't think we were locks for the NC last week and don't think all is lost this week.

But really, fans like you who come out preaching and generalizing after a close and scary win and being pompous concerning others fans is a little annoying.

That is what I find really aggravating, the preachers. You guys seem to believe that a close win or even a loss gives you license to demean and demoralize 'Bama fans who show spirit and emotion.

If you are embarrassed by 'Bama fans who like being excited about a big win, that is on you. The facts of the matter are that I have not seen or spoken with any really irrational fans, in real life or on message boards. I spoke with some very happy ones, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that is there?

Let's try to keep what 'Bama fans think and what we say and how we feel separate from what you read about what 'Bama fans think or how they feel. Those two things can be polar opposites.

Good grief. A bit touchy aren't you? Don't take out your frustrations of what other people have said about BAMA fans in the past on me. How about that? I am a BAMA fan and I was as happy as anyone this last week and there was nothing wrong with that. I am not going to go through the trouble of showing you contrasts and comparisons by copying and pasting quotes but if you take the time and read some of the posts from last week and then look at some of the remarks this week you'll see exactly what I am talking about.

Your evaluation of what I was saying is nothing more than just contrived drama for apparently yours and Elephant Stomps entertainment. I am far from being out of touch from the way BAMA fans are or feel being one myself for the last, oh, 41 years. And by the way, no, I won't keep the way I "feel" from being emulated on this board. It's my job. If you can't handle it, don't click on my threads. That would be my pompous offering of advice to you.

...and by the way, where are the remarks on the other 7 or so paragraphs. Simply out to troll I see.

Emotions are running wild.

Just my perspective, but I found his reply less offensive than your initial characterization...but it was emotion driven.

Just my read, but Altie likely had an issue with you telling people to shut up and with your basket case reference. You had an issue with his generalization of people "like you." That phrase always pushes buttons.

Both of you are good guys. It was stressful and emotional to see us struggle against Tulane. Oh well. It will all be better tomorrow.

Give each other a "Roll Tide," gnaw on a rib, and make merry - we are 2-0.

What i said in that paragraph was more tongue in cheek, especially with regard to the "shut up" remark. I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone understands my writing style but that was not really meant to offend but just to drive a point home about managing expectations.

As Coach Saban said, "We have a tendency to do that around here..." with regard to expectations.
bamafan4ever said:
What i said in that paragraph was more tongue in cheek, especially with regard to the "shut up" remark. I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone understands my writing style but that was not really meant to offend but just to drive a point home about managing expectations.

As Coach Saban said, "We have a tendency to do that around here..." with regard to expectations.

You are right. As Altie's response shows, he did not get the tongue in cheek nature of your post. After three and a half hours of adrenaline pumping Bama football, it is easy to overlook sarcasm in prose.

Like I said, you are both good guys, and I don't think it is either of your intention to offend. After the adrenaline wears off, you will both read your posts and realize that you probably came across the wrong way.

Big_Fan said:
bamafan4ever said:
What i said in that paragraph was more tongue in cheek, especially with regard to the "shut up" remark. I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone understands my writing style but that was not really meant to offend but just to drive a point home about managing expectations.

As Coach Saban said, "We have a tendency to do that around here..." with regard to expectations.

You are right. As Altie's response shows, he did not get the tongue in cheek nature of your post. After three and a half hours of adrenaline pumping Bama football, it is easy to overlook sarcasm in prose.

Like I said, you are both good guys, and I don't think it is either of your intention to offend. After the adrenaline wears off, you will both read your posts and realize that you probably came across the wrong way.


I agree, BamaFan, thanks for being the referee. Sorry if I came off the wrong way BAmafan4ever.
CtrlAltieDel said:
Big_Fan said:
bamafan4ever said:
What i said in that paragraph was more tongue in cheek, especially with regard to the "shut up" remark. I guess I shouldn't assume that everyone understands my writing style but that was not really meant to offend but just to drive a point home about managing expectations.

As Coach Saban said, "We have a tendency to do that around here..." with regard to expectations.

You are right. As Altie's response shows, he did not get the tongue in cheek nature of your post. After three and a half hours of adrenaline pumping Bama football, it is easy to overlook sarcasm in prose.

Like I said, you are both good guys, and I don't think it is either of your intention to offend. After the adrenaline wears off, you will both read your posts and realize that you probably came across the wrong way.


I agree, BamaFan, thanks for being the referee. Sorry if I came off the wrong way BAmafan4ever.

I guess better use of emoticons are in order. I am honestly not all that emotional tonight. I feel pretty good in fact. I honestly didn't mean to evoke such a negative response. I have been in this message board game too long and should have known better.

No hard feelings Altie. I hate you walked away from a largely positive post with such contempt toward me. :wink:

Is that better!? :lol:
Good grief! All y'all basket cases need to shut the he** up.

Someone logs off for an hour or two to get real life insight from Dr. Lou Holtz and this breaks out! :roll:
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