| FTBL Rising Tide?



Rising Tide?

BAMA fans have been labeled many things over the years. Delusional is a term that frequently comes to mind. Fans of other programs are quick to point out that Alabama fans like to, "live on their tradition". Or that "The Bear's dead. Get over it already". While I do feel that some of the criticism and the labels are unwarranted, maybe BAMA fans bring it on themselves at times too. But that aside, one label that an opposing fan can safely bestow on the majority of Tide fans is to call them cocky. While I personally prefer the term "undeniably confident and optimistic", I can certainly understand the reasoning of our rivals. Anyone that knows a hard-core BAMA fan will likely tell you that BAMA fans are always confident when it comes to their beloved Tide. Confident to the point of being obnoxious sometimes. Or maybe confident to the point of being....delusional? Ummm. Dang! Here we are again. Back to square one.

Okay look. Maybe we can be a bit delusional or even overly optimistic regarding our team I've begun to think that many of our "homers" have good reason to set their sights high this coming season, and here's why.

Given the cards dealt within the SEC West this season it's a logical assumption that the Tide could rise in 2008. Alabama has already emerged as something of a sexy pick to challenge for the division crown in 2008 by some of the media. Why? Well, some of it has to do with Alabama, and some of it has to do with our counterparts. In regards to Alabama, we're looking at a team that returns one of the most experienced quarterbacks in the conference, and the senior signal-caller in the West. A running back who finished the year with almost 900 yards and 8 touchdowns, while being injured for almost half of the season. An offensive line that is projected to be one of the strengths of the team. One of the conference's best place kickers, and a defense that features some good, young talent.

Is BAMA primed for a BCS run? Probably not. There are issues to overcome, namely depth and youth. The Tide could be a year or two away from playing on the big stage. But is BAMA primed to make a substantial impact in the Southeastern Conference? At this point, I'd have to say yes.

Let's preview the SEC West and the current state of affairs.

Read more here.
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