| FOOD Rank 'em: Fruit Cobblers

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
Rank these cobblers from best to worst not as good.

1. Apple Cobbler
2. Blueberry Cobbler
3. Peach Cobbler
4. Blackberry Cobbler
5. Strawberry Cobbler

If it helps you decide, you can have a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top...
Rank these cobblers from best to worst not as good.

1. Apple Cobbler
2. Blueberry Cobbler
3. Peach Cobbler
4. Blackberry Cobbler
5. Strawberry Cobbler

If it helps you decide, you can have a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top...
4. Blackberry cobbler
2. Blueberry cobbler🫐
3. Peach cobbler🍑
1. Apple cobbler🍎
5. Strawberry cobbler.🍓
Grant you the first two are my wife favor. Thank You for the scoop!🍨
I almost went cherry instead of strawberry on the list... I've never had sweet potato cobbler, not sure I would enjoy that.

It taste practically the same as sweet potato pie, but a little different, not as dry as pie, but yummy. Potatoes need to be cooked first before cobblered (?)
Probably use the same spices in a cobbler as a pie, just juicier with more crust.
It taste practically the same as sweet potato pie, but a little different, not as dry as pie, but yummy. Potatoes need to be cooked first before cobblered (?)
Probably use the same spices in a cobbler as a pie, just juicier with more crust.

LOL, I can't deal with sweet potato pie either... That and pumpkin. Can't do it.
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