| FTBL Our Passing game....Discuss please..

Southern Bama

Verified Member
Is it just me or am I seeing things that are not there :? It seems that JPW does not like to throw to receivers in stride...he prefers them to be stationary or as close to stationary as possible. Maybe it is the way our offense is supposed to work and there is nothing wrong at all. I know he has hit some in stride, but it seems that most of those come when he is flushed out. I miss the slant pass that hit Julio a few games ago and he ran breaking several tackles. No doubt this was executed as called. Like I said..I could be completely wrong in my assumption..I just feel that if we cant throw the ball for atleast 250 yds against Florida..we cant put ourselves in a position to win. Florida will try to stop the run and force the pass...and if they dont respect the pass threat..it will be a long game for our boys. IMO, we just need to be more fluid and our timing just isnt quite there with the passing game, even though we have a top-notch O-Line, good receivers, and a senior QB.
5 int's on the year..

last night i thought jpw did a great job of securing the football.. thngs might have seemed a little sluggish for the first quater or so, but we pounded miss. st. in every stat category.. we played ball control football with a balanced offinse and a stifling defense that only allowed 160 total yards..

jpw threw for 60% and moved the chains.. what else can anyone ask for?
Please dont interpret my thread as a bash...I did not intend for it to be taken that way. Its just my feeling that the passing game just isnt quite where it needs to be to compete with a team of Floridas caliber. And my question did not necessarily center around JPW. To have a great pasing game, the QB is 1/3 of the receipe there...the O- line has to do its job and the receivers must run good routes...our receivers may not be getting open enough...not sure.
i definitely see your point, and you are right we are not an explosive team on offensive. CNS is not necesserially recruiting speed, he has stated that he wants to be a big, and punishing team that hits people.. we are playing old school football. a ten minute, 15 play drive is considered optimum success..
Southern Bama said:
I just feel that if we cant throw the ball for atleast 250 yds against Florida..we cant put ourselves in a position to win.

With all due respect...

How many yards did Bama throw for against Florida in 1992? 154

Miami in 1992? 18
Alabama quarterback Jay Barker passed for only 18 yards, but the Tide didn't need a passing attack because it outrushed Miami 267 yards to 48.

Florida in SECCG 1999? 134

And in 2008 Clemson (180), Ark (74), and MSU(148).

Sure more yards help, but it doesnt always mean a better outcome. The Saban philosophy is to pound the ball, weaken the other team, and run the clock.

I'm not comparing the current Tide to any of those teams, or the Gators to any of them either. but history has proven that a power running game can win, and win big. Thats why they have to lineup and play.
We don't need a outstanding passing game to win. We have the running game to compliment a effective play action and short passing game. As long as we're scoring more then our opponent...thats all that should matter folks. :wink:
What I see is when we try to establish the run off the pass we struggle, see Tulane and Kentucky. When we use the run to set up the pass our passing game is much more effective. Fact is, we need the play action to have an affective passing game and without the run the play action doesn't mean much.
I believe that we were confident in those games that we felt we could take a chance on trying to open up ur passing game.
I might be in the minority here but I'll go ahead and say it. I'm very concerned about our passing game.

(1) Julio is the only one being thrown to the vast majority of the time. I know Julio is going to be something special, but we need to mix it up more to keep teams off balance IMHO.

(2) What the ham sammich has happened to Mike McCoy and the others? Are they still on the team?

(3) JPW's propensity to tuck it and run. Okay, that's both good and bad. I appreciate him not wanting to throw an INT, and attempting to make something out of the play. But here's the thing; Either he can't deliver the throw or our receivers simply don't have the talent or ability to get open against less than spectacular defenses.

I can't count the number of times last night where this occured. It's only going to get worse against Auburn, Florida, and more than likely whoever we face in a bowl game.

We can't continue to get nothing out of the passing game and just pretend that teams like the afore mentioned won't be able to stop our running game. That's half of football is knowing what the other team is going to do or forcing them into doing just that. I'd be licking my chops if I were an opposing DC after watching tape of the last couple of games. We need to improve the passing game IMHO.
Thats pretty much how I see it porkchop...Not sure I can offer any more than you just said. If we could just run the ball all day with the occasional pass...wonderful...that may work against an average team...but the SECCG and the Bowl game will need a little more in the passing attack IMO.
porkchop said:
I might be in the minority here but I'll go ahead and say it. I'm very concerned about our passing game.

(1) Julio is the only one being thrown to the vast majority of the time. I know Julio is going to be something special, but we need to mix it up more to keep teams off balance IMHO.

(2) What the ham sammich has happened to Mike McCoy and the others? Are they still on the team?

(3) JPW's propensity to tuck it and run. Okay, that's both good and bad. I appreciate him not wanting to throw an INT, and attempting to make something out of the play. But here's the thing; Either he can't deliver the throw or our receivers simply don't have the talent or ability to get open against less than spectacular defenses.

I can't count the number of times last night where this occured. It's only going to get worse against Auburn, Florida, and more than likely whoever we face in a bowl game.

We can't continue to get nothing out of the passing game and just pretend that teams like the afore mentioned won't be able to stop our running game. That's half of football is knowing what the other team is going to do or forcing them into doing just that. I'd be licking my chops if I were an opposing DC after watching tape of the last couple of games. We need to improve the passing game IMHO.

I agree on some levels...with a caveat or two.

To some degree, I think we can throw it more and more effectively than we have shown at times. Against MSU, I think JPW knew that we did not have to complete passes to win the game handily...the passing game was more to keep the defense honest than it was to gain yards. We showed the pass more for the purpose of keeping the defense honest. Then we burned them late.

When we have really needed to throw the ball this season, we have done so with success - and not just to Julio. Against UGA, we had seven different receivers catch the ball. We had over 200 yards passing. Six different receivers caught passes against LSU...Julio was the workhorse, but the ball did get spread around. If he is open and can catch it, we took it. We had 215 yards against LSU.

At the end of the day, I don't care so much about yards and number of receptions, if the W is in our favor. If we end up against a Big 12 team in the bowl, I will feel better with us running the ball, shortening the game, and chewing up 5 yards per carry. I have watched more big 12 games this season than normal, and I have not seen a decent rushing defense yet. Several Big 12 teams rank in the top 25 in rushing defense, but they don't play against power rushing teams. The conference is almost as pass-happy as the WAC used to be.
BUT, you have to consider that we were playing against the #2 pass defense in the nation.

i think there was just darn good coverage in croom's secondary.. and still no int's.
i said it at the beginning of the year and took crap for it and i'll say it now. for THIS team our ability to complete the long passes successfully just 50% of the time will be the difference in a good season and a great season.

the assumption that nobody seems to be talking about is that floorda is going to put up a lot more points on Alabama than we're used to and the question is.. can we keep up in a shootout?

from what i've seen this year, no. we would fall just slightly short.

i think floorda will score less than their average, sure. but their average is like 95.2 ppg. so i give them at the least 27 points and at the most 41. can Alabama's offense put up 28 or 42 on floorda's defense? we can do the 28, but i don't see 42. NOT without connecting on these long passes. jmho
1.) if we are not passing the ball, we are running the ball.

2.) if we are running the ball, the clock is ticking

3.) if the clock is ticking, florida will get fewer possessions.

4.) fewer possessions equals fewer points..

now, if we cannot run successfully then we had better be prepared for a shootout. but if we cannot run then we are probably in trouble anyway... BUT, IMHO we do not have to pass for big yardage to win the game.
mixed emotions here on this. On one hand, I feel like our passing game needs to be better to take pressure off the run game. On the other hand, if it ain't broke why fix it? JPW did look out of sync Saturday, but it was because of the poor pass blocking. He is not great under pressure but I did think he was only looking at 1 or 2 options before taking off, but then again, he was pressured and had to run.

As for Florida, I think our defensive play will be more important than our passing game. Of course, we can't have a bunch of 3 and outs and wear our defense out but if we can throw them off of their rhythm, we are in good shape. Look at how many points they score on special teams and defense. It's not as though their passing attack is stellar.

I kinda got off point here, sorry.
RollTideinGA said:
Southern Bama said:
I just feel that if we cant throw the ball for atleast 250 yds against Florida..we cant put ourselves in a position to win.

With all due respect...

How many yards did Bama throw for against Florida in 1992? 154

Miami in 1992? 18
Alabama quarterback Jay Barker passed for only 18 yards, but the Tide didn't need a passing attack because it outrushed Miami 267 yards to 48.

Florida in SECCG 1999? 134

And in 2008 Clemson (180), Ark (74), and MSU(148).

Great point and I am glad you threw in there this year's team. It all boils down to defense and remember the saying "Defenses win Championships". If our defense does it's job, we will be fine against UF. I think they will and our rushing attack with mixed in passes win the game in the end. I think some are upset seeing us not dominating our opponents offensively and I fall into that category, but I think we are sometimes working in and trying things that fail and stops drives. I remember Bear saying he would keep running the same play until the other team stopped it and I agree, but I also see the philosphy of working on things when you have confidence in your D. If it works, it puts another spoke in the wheel future opponents have to spend time on practicing to defend.
When did JPW decide he was going to be a Running QB? About 3 weeks ago? He sure is running alot more and not throwing. He has done OK running I guess, But is he trying to compete with Tebow now they have to play them? Or am I just the only one noticing JPW running more the past few weeks than he has his whole career?

Alot of Question marks there, I know, :p
Big_Fan said:
porkchop said:
I might be in the minority here but I'll go ahead and say it. I'm very concerned about our passing game.

(1) Julio is the only one being thrown to the vast majority of the time. I know Julio is going to be something special, but we need to mix it up more to keep teams off balance IMHO.

(2) What the ham sammich has happened to Mike McCoy and the others? Are they still on the team?

(3) JPW's propensity to tuck it and run. Okay, that's both good and bad. I appreciate him not wanting to throw an INT, and attempting to make something out of the play. But here's the thing; Either he can't deliver the throw or our receivers simply don't have the talent or ability to get open against less than spectacular defenses.

I can't count the number of times last night where this occured. It's only going to get worse against Auburn, Florida, and more than likely whoever we face in a bowl game.

We can't continue to get nothing out of the passing game and just pretend that teams like the afore mentioned won't be able to stop our running game. That's half of football is knowing what the other team is going to do or forcing them into doing just that. I'd be licking my chops if I were an opposing DC after watching tape of the last couple of games. We need to improve the passing game IMHO.

I agree on some levels...with a caveat or two.

To some degree, I think we can throw it more and more effectively than we have shown at times. Against MSU, I think JPW knew that we did not have to complete passes to win the game handily...the passing game was more to keep the defense honest than it was to gain yards. We showed the pass more for the purpose of keeping the defense honest. Then we burned them late.

When we have really needed to throw the ball this season, we have done so with success - and not just to Julio. Against UGA, we had seven different receivers catch the ball. We had over 200 yards passing. Six different receivers caught passes against LSU...Julio was the workhorse, but the ball did get spread around. If he is open and can catch it, we took it. We had 215 yards against LSU.

At the end of the day, I don't care so much about yards and number of receptions, if the W is in our favor. If we end up against a Big 12 team in the bowl, I will feel better with us running the ball, shortening the game, and chewing up 5 yards per carry. I have watched more big 12 games this season than normal, and I have not seen a decent rushing defense yet. Several Big 12 teams rank in the top 25 in rushing defense, but they don't play against power rushing teams. The conference is almost as pass-happy as the WAC used to be.

8 different receivers against Mississippi State, 17 on the season.

Julio has 43 reception on the year, Walker with 25...

I don't put that on JP at all as much as I have to ask why isn't McCoy getting open? Maze has had more success on getting open than our next receiver (wide-out) but I have to weigh that against Alexander not being 100% this year.
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