| FTBL On to MSU...


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Is there anything left of their football team to worry about this weekend? I know that their running game was solid last year, but is that still consistent this season?
I for one feel that they are a better team than their record reflects. I think the main thing in MSU's favor is the desire to give us a loss...just plain..good ole fashioned determination. We just need to keep playing strong...come out and hit them in the mouth and keep on hittin... :)
If both teams play their best game, we win. Their D is pretty staunch, but suffers from being on the field too much. If by no other way we should be able to beat them by pounding on them with the running game and wearing them down.
They're usually very physical. That is how they've beaten us the last two years. I really hope we can rush all night long on them. I've missed our power rushing lately. :)
BamaFan19 said:
Is there anything left of their football team to worry about this weekend? I know that their running game was solid last year, but is that still consistent this season?

Yes, they beat us last year. I would say never ever underestimate an SEC team. Just ask the Gaytors about Ole Miss.
bama4life said:
Did someone say cowbell?
Even taking into account all of our losses over the last 8 years or so, losing 2 in a row to them, in my opinion, is THE most embarrassing thing that has happened to us.

The difference between these 2 programs is best illustrated with YouTude videos (crank up the sound for full effect)...



The guy that sits behind me at the games lives in Mississippi, but is an Alabama and Ole Miss alum. He said it best. "The folks in Mississippi think they are serious about football"

Nothing shows that better than those two videos. Great one Porter.
This game worries me some. I know our guys understand what's at stake, & will be as focused as possible, but the emotional tank has to be low at this point in the season, as witnessed by the "jump start" CNS had to administer at halftime in the LSU game. I believe we win it, but not by as much as we would like. The week off before the goobers will be much needed, IMO.
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