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I always find it amusing watching progressives bitch and moan about republicans. Stop bitching, yall won your fight along time ago. You will either have a radical for the dems or a rino for the republicans. The country is ran by your people, enjoy it.

If you're referring to me, I'm closer to a moderate or independent. Or in actuality, moderate on some things, liberal on some, conservative on some. I realize that may look like a radical leftist in Alabama.

I get shit from everybody because I don't march in lockstep with the left or the right. There's no room for moderation or independent thought anymore.
If you're referring to me, I'm closer to a moderate or independent. Or in actuality, moderate on some things, liberal on some, conservative on some. I realize that may look like a radical leftist in Alabama.

I get shit from everybody because I don't march in lockstep with the left or the right. There's no room for moderation or independent though t anymore.
I wasnt referring to you. As to the rest of your statement....
Oh, meant to tell you queeb-bats, not only was my nicotine test negatory, but also my colesterol was down and my weight had dropped 5 pounds over the last two weeks, down to 208. BP, well, let's don't talk about it, 168/84.
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