🌎 "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. They are bat shit crazy.

The TV heads with their opinions. What do they know that the general population does not know? That some in our government are guilty of crimes that are punishable by prison time or by death? If some people are imprisoned or executed, it's because there will be indisputable evidence and proof of their actions. Also, it wont be DJT's doing, it will be his DOJ doing their job and the military carrying out tribunals. Treason is punishable by death, or very long prison term, probably at GITMO.
That's a bad thing? I've gone out with a lady for more than a decade who is part of the "Elizabeth Warren voting block." While we dated back in '07 - '09 she's since married. Her husband if of the "Bernie Sanders camp." Their son is sent to a private Christian school. This couple is more 'liberal' in their social beliefs that I'm going to share.

But, one of the reasons I hang out with them is to listen to their opinions.

In a sense, you are the Internet's version of a "blanket party." :devilish:
I’ve got friends that are normal republicans and a few family members are maga cultists, we don’t hang out much.

I don’t know what the hell that even means, but knowing you and your sense of humor it isn’t good
I don’t know what the hell that even means, but knowing you and your sense of humor it isn’t good
Wait. What? My sense of humor? Don't judge until you've watched. It's not all political. The point was...the different views, personalities.


I'll argue late night TV, comedy, was ruined by Jon Stewart when he turned "comedy" into political theatre.

Stomp, here's the thing. I can't use the word "troublesome." I can say fascinating: because I don't get the mind frame.

IE: I questioned BLM, not the movement, but the group. Exposed. I've questioned Jan 6th and the portrayal it received in the media.

I'm questioning the NY bombing story right now.

These events, decisions, treatment...when it throws my logic meter into the red zone? I don't throw "orange man" things out there. I ask questions.

BTW, you still haven't told me where we differ on social subjects. :devilish: There's was one pitch that was a foul ball.
@ElephantStomp Addendum.

I will occasionally watch The Five. But not for what they are saying. Each host has a block when they have the intro and exit music. Gutfeld, Harold Ford, Jr., and a few of them...like Kennedy.

They send me on YouTube searches for groups, songs, genre's...very seldom, the "news."

(I'd vote Ford in Grahams seat before you could blink.)
@ElephantStomp Addendum.

I will occasionally watch The Five. But not for what they are saying. Each host has a block when they have the intro and exit music. Gutfeld, Harold Ford, Jr., and a few of them...like Kennedy.

They send me on YouTube searches for groups, songs, genre's...very seldom, the "news."

(I'd vote Ford in Grahams seat before you could blink.)
I'm amiss for not mentioning the Judge. Great taste in blues and jazz...
Wait. What? My sense of humor? Don't judge until you've watched. It's not all political. The point was...the different views, personalities.


I'll argue late night TV, comedy, was ruined by Jon Stewart when he turned "comedy" into political theatre.

Stomp, here's the thing. I can't use the word "troublesome." I can say fascinating: because I don't get the mind frame.

IE: I questioned BLM, not the movement, but the group. Exposed. I've questioned Jan 6th and the portrayal it received in the media.

I'm questioning the NY bombing story right now.

These events, decisions, treatment...when it throws my logic meter into the red zone? I don't throw "orange man" things out there. I ask questions.

BTW, you still haven't told me where we differ on social subjects. :devilish: There's was one pitch that was a foul ball.
What I meant was I don’t know what the hell I’m the internet version of “blanket” party means

Jan 6 was exactly what was shown in the media outside of Faux News.

You wouldn’t throw orange man things out there because from our convos you like him

Social subjects- I’m willing to bet we disagree on all the big ones
@ElephantStomp Addendum.

I will occasionally watch The Five. But not for what they are saying. Each host has a block when they have the intro and exit music. Gutfeld, Harold Ford, Jr., and a few of them...like Kennedy.

They send me on YouTube searches for groups, songs, genre's...very seldom, the "news."

(I'd vote Ford in Grahams seat before you could blink.)
I like the liberal on the 5, the rest are Trump apologists and are dishonest as shit
What I meant was I don’t know what the hell I’m the internet version of “blanket” party means
A play on words ...
Jan 6 was exactly what was shown in the media outside of Faux News.
This is factually inaccurate. They are releasing tapes now. This week. What was shown by the MSM was an orchestrated, Hollywood production. The world is just beginning to see the credits.

IF it was exactly how it was shown in the media, why are there members of the "Select Committee" objecting to the release of the 40,000 + hours of video?

I could not tell you what the folks at Fox said...I don't watch their news coverage, remember?
You wouldn’t throw orange man things out there because from our convos you like him
Factually inaccurate. I don't throw names at people.

There still seems to be a disconnect. I like the policies of the Trump administration. It was a better world, locally and on a global scale. I understand his personality although it isn't a trait I would try to emulate.

Policy and personality. They are two different things when it comes to what happens with POTUS and his administration.
Social subjects- I’m willing to bet we disagree on all the big ones
I don't believe that to be true. It's pretty hard for someone to disagree with another's views on a lot of social issues when that same person also believes it's none of their business.

Free will, free choice. It's their life.

You've mentioned one; abortion. My belief was it should be a decision left up to each state and their constituents. IE: What's good for someone in NY may not be for someone in NM.

So, what issues?
I like the liberal on the 5, the rest are Trump apologists and are dishonest as shit
Again. I don't listen to the content, but to music bumpers.

BTW, what do you mean by "Trump apologist?" Apologizing for what? He's not in office and hasn't been: today's climate has nothing to do with him.

I can say there's more than one liberal/democrat. I know enough about the cast...and that's why I pick and choose episodes for music. Jessica Tarloff? Her music taste SUCKS. Waters? Sucks. But a few of them pull obscure but great music out.

To be clear. I pay attention to the music of The Five.
A play on words ...

This is factually inaccurate. They are releasing tapes now. This week. What was shown by the MSM was an orchestrated, Hollywood production. The world is just beginning to see the credits.

IF it was exactly how it was shown in the media, why are there members of the "Select Committee" objecting to the release of the 40,000 + hours of video?

I could not tell you what the folks at Fox said...I don't watch their news coverage, remember?

Factually inaccurate. I don't throw names at people.

There still seems to be a disconnect. I like the policies of the Trump administration. It was a better world, locally and on a global scale. I understand his personality although it isn't a trait I would try to emulate.

Policy and personality. They are two different things when it comes to what happens with POTUS and his administration.

I don't believe that to be true. It's pretty hard for someone to disagree with another's views on a lot of social issues when that same person also believes it's none of their business.

Free will, free choice. It's their life.

You've mentioned one; abortion. My belief was it should be a decision left up to each state and their constituents. IE: What's good for someone in NY may not be for someone in NM.

So, what issues?
Jan 6 was an insurrection and the only people that don’t think so are people on the right. As for tapes- that dipshit Tucker has tapes from the fired speaker, so the release of 40,000 shouldn’t matter since that dipshit has tapes.

It wasn’t a better world locally or globally, that’s factually inaccurate, unemployment far lower now than during his presidency, gas isn’t higher now than during Trump, oil prices aren’t lower than they were during his presidency, globally- Trump picked a fight with China and it wasn’t helping the American people, he wasn’t good on any scale, but again only the right thinks things were great under him, but numbers and facts don’t back that up.

Abortion- we don’t agree at all. Do you agree that RvW should’ve been overturned? Name one social issue we agree on. Expansion of Medicaid I guarantee we disagree on, food stamps I guarantee we disagree on, I bet we don’t agree on any social issue.

What do I mean by Trump apologist- Waters, Jennine (sp?), Greg, they’re all on Trump’s nuts at least on tv. There’s more than one liberal on the five? That’s not true unless they’re lying on tv, but it is Fox and they’ve been proven to lying asses.
Jan 6 was an insurrection and the only people that don’t think so are people on the right. As for tapes- that dipshit Tucker has tapes from the fired speaker, so the release of 40,000 shouldn’t matter since that dipshit has tapes.
The word insurrection is propaganda. No one has been convicted with insurrection.

Here we are again: throwing derogatory names out there because they have a different opinion. He's no more a dipshit that Finebaum. You just don't like what he has to say.

I find this stance to be intellectually dishonest. You've said everything was released. It wasn't. People have been tried, convicted, and are in jail...stemming from a "select committee" that withheld evidence. Members of which lied repeatedly to the American public.

You have literally said, the release of evidence should not matter.
It wasn’t a better world locally or globally, that’s factually inaccurate, unemployment far lower now than during his presidency, gas isn’t higher now than during Trump, oil prices aren’t lower than they were during his presidency, globally- Trump picked a fight with China and it wasn’t helping the American people, he wasn’t good on any scale, but again only the right thinks things were great under him, but numbers and facts don’t back that up.
None of this is correct.

Gas isn't higher now than under Trump?

The unemployment rates? Come on, man!

We have Chinese police agencies operating within our borders. Chinese bio labs. And you are suggesting "he picked a fight?"

I'm guessing you're not studying economics. Nor, genocide. Nor oppression. Nor child labor.
Abortion- we don’t agree at all. Do you agree that RvW should’ve been overturned? Name one social issue we agree on. Expansion of Medicaid I guarantee we disagree on, food stamps I guarantee we disagree on, I bet we don’t agree on any social issue.
It should have never been a law. It was unconstitutional from the onset: based on false premises. This has been proven. I do believe it should be everyone's right to make their own decisions; based on states elections. That's...well, sorta why we have them, ya know? It is the literal definition of a Constitutional Republic.

Medicaid? We've never discussed.
Food stamps? We've never discussed.

And yet you know how I feel? "Blanket party."
What do I mean by Trump apologist- Waters, Jennine (sp?), Greg, they’re all on Trump’s nuts at least on tv. There’s more than one liberal on the five? That’s not true unless they’re lying on tv, but it is Fox and they’ve been proven to lying asses.
Tarloff, Ford, Sanders (afternoon news.) There's a lot on both sides of the MSM. What's her name, Henriech? On CNN?

I can't speak to Waters or the judge's views on Trump. I don't know. I can speak for Greg's.

You don't have to like the personality to appreciate the policy.
The word insurrection is propaganda. No one has been convicted with insurrection.

Here we are again: throwing derogatory names out there because they have a different opinion. He's no more a dipshit that Finebaum. You just don't like what he has to say.

I find this stance to be intellectually dishonest. You've said everything was released. It wasn't. People have been tried, convicted, and are in jail...stemming from a "select committee" that withheld evidence. Members of which lied repeatedly to the American public.

You have literally said, the release of evidence should not matter.

None of this is correct.

Gas isn't higher now than under Trump?

The unemployment rates? Come on, man!

We have Chinese police agencies operating within our borders. Chinese bio labs. And you are suggesting "he picked a fight?"

I'm guessing you're not studying economics. Nor, genocide. Nor oppression. Nor child labor.

It should have never been a law. It was unconstitutional from the onset: based on false premises. This has been proven. I do believe it should be everyone's right to make their own decisions; based on states elections. That's...well, sorta why we have them, ya know? It is the literal definition of a Constitutional Republic.

Medicaid? We've never discussed.
Food stamps? We've never discussed.

And yet you know how I feel? "Blanket party."

Tarloff, Ford, Sanders (afternoon news.) There's a lot on both sides of the MSM. What's her name, Henriech? On CNN?

I can't speak to Waters or the judge's views on Trump. I don't know. I can speak for Greg's.

You don't have to like the personality to appreciate the policy.
Ok here I’ll do it this way with Jan 6- it was a riot, you know the thing the right screamed about after George Floyd’s murder. But, amazingly Jan 6 is different gtfo.

We don’t agree even a little on abortion.

Are you for Medicaid expansion?
What’s your thoughts on food stamps?

Waters, Judge, and Greg are Trump apologists and on his nuts, they’re right wing puppets.

Gas isn’t higher now than when Trump was in office at least not here

Unemployment is way lower now than when Trump was in office and that isn’t even remotely debatable.

I’m not studying right wing stupidly when it comes oppression, genocide, or anything else no.

Trump’s policies weren’t good, he had zero knowledge of what he was doing, the right likes to talk about oil production under him, but it’s higher under Biden and that’s not even up for debate because the numbers don’t lie
Ok here I’ll do it this way with Jan 6- it was a riot, you know the thing the right screamed about after George Floyd’s murder. But, amazingly Jan 6 is different gtfo.
But, they were different. Were both riots? I thought the response to George Floyd was a protest. Looting, burning down buildings and businesses including federal government buildings...and then we've got a group protesting/rioting that were let inside the building and weren't armed, or burning down things.

One protest against the treatment of a felon, who was high, being arrested. Another protest because people believed there was fraud in the election.

Two different things. Two different mindsets of protests. Neither were right. But they can't be compared as equals.

We don’t agree even a little on abortion.
But you can't tell me how we disagree. I've literally said it's the choice of the people, by state, on how abortion should be legislated. That's pro-choice, defined. So I'm pro-life, as well as pro-choice, and you're saying we don't agree even a little?

We may disagree on when life begins, or when limits should be instilled, but we don't disagree that it is an individual's choice. That's why God gave people free will.

Are you for Medicaid expansion?
What’s your thoughts on food stamps?
Both subjects deserve separate threads. Right?
Gas isn’t higher now than when Trump was in office at least not here
Under the last several administrations, here's the average cost of gasoline.

  1. Joe Biden (partial term) — $3.60
  2. Barack Obama first term — $3.12
  3. Barack Obama second term — $2.95
  4. George W. Bush second term — $2.77
  5. Donald Trump — $2.57
  6. George W. Bush first term — $1.59
Unemployment is way lower now than when Trump was in office and that isn’t even remotely debatable.
Simply not true.

Screenshot 2023-11-24 4.55.23 AM.png
I’m not studying right wing stupidly when it comes oppression, genocide, or anything else no.
This is the definition of closed minded. You are smarter than this; but don't realize your potential.
Trump’s policies weren’t good, he had zero knowledge of what he was doing, the right likes to talk about oil production under him, but it’s higher under Biden and that’s not even up for debate because the numbers don’t lie
Okay. Which policies? Foreign? Domestic?

We weren't in a war, much less two (and asking for three.)
Food was cheaper.
Gas was cheaper.
Electricity was cheaper.
Homes were cheaper.
Interest rates were lower.
He was working to secure the border, whereas...

The country was energy independent, yes. That's a big point between buying oil from Venezuela and the like.
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