Wait. What? My sense of humor? Don't judge until you've watched. It's not all political. The point was...the different views, personalities.
I'll argue late night TV, comedy, was ruined by Jon Stewart when he turned "comedy" into political theatre.
Stomp, here's the thing. I can't use the word "troublesome." I can say fascinating: because I don't get the mind frame.
IE: I questioned BLM, not the movement, but the group. Exposed. I've questioned Jan 6th and the portrayal it received in the media.
I'm questioning the NY bombing story right now.
These events, decisions, treatment...when it throws my logic meter into the red zone? I don't throw "orange man" things out there. I ask questions.
BTW, you still haven't told me where we differ on social subjects.

There's was one pitch that was a foul ball.