| FTBL McCready and Siskey


Gump 4ever
Any of you guys follow them on IG or anything? I know McCready is kind of a poor man's Finebaum and a bit of a pretentious douche. I mainly follow them on IG for the stories. Siskey has worked all quite a bit in the south as an off field recruiting director in several places. He has some great stories on here about working under Saban and stuff he handled behind the scenes. Without having to watch the entire show, I follow them IG and get the highlights. Always good stories.

He told a story today that intrigued me and thought I would pose the question to you guys. Ethical or Not. We hear stories of how cut-throat recruiting can be. Here is a prime example. Start at the 1:10:00 mark and listen.

Like you, I come across some of their edited content on IG every once and a while, I guess it's in the algorithms... I like Siskey. McCready doesn't bother me as much as he used to, but I couldn't listen to an entire show. I'd put him in the Barrett Sallee camp, but he's probably more sensitive/defensive than Barrett.
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