
This is my first time posting on the site. I've been a lurker for about two years. No time better than now to post up.

I know that we are sitting with the same record we had last year at this time but things are different. We have a offence and defence. WOW! We have normally had either one or the other. I havent felt this strong about the tide in a long long time. Im ready to go to Athens and kick that overbite bulldogs a$$.

If JPW has a good game we will take this game and shove those black jersey's up their a$$e$!!!
Sorry for the spelling! I was in a rush and did not spell check. I did not know I had the spelling bee champion double checking me. Promise to do better.

Thanks for the welcome
rtauburnsucks said:
learn to spell defense and offense.

:roll: Thank god you're here to point that out. I'm not sure what we would have done.

RT, if you want to be a grammar-nazi, learn to capitalize the first letter of the first word of a sentence
Welcome aboard Rollin'

If you have lurked for a while you know that we have experts on everything!! So watch it. :wink: :D

Welcome aboard and post often!!
Welcome and fire away my man! We all think we are right about everything, but really the only ones with much sense around here are Porkchop and Porter. Maybe we all should adopt names concerning meat hacked off a farm animal :lol:
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