šŸˆ Let's implement of one of Coach Bryant's commands:

TerryP said:
RJ versus the standing ovation we received before and after the Oklahoma game in Norman.

Something to chew on...

Standing ovation? So Bama football fans should behave as they would after the Ballet or a grade school music recital? Who are we, Vandy?
musso said:
Show class; act like you've been there before.

Can we please terminate the "Rammer Jammer" cheer?????????!!!!!!!!! For a program who enjoys such a storied and rich history, we are better than this.

I nearly vomitted when in both games thus far, against Western Carolina and Vanderbilt, the band cranked up and the fans followed its lead into that embarrassing cheer.

Does anyone else feel me on this????

It's so-so. But last year when I went to the Duke game, they started singing it, and my buddy and I were like, "We didn't beat the hell out of them. What are they saying that for?"
Bamaman37 said:
musso said:
two, or three of you have expressed support of the cheer, but none have offered your reasons. i'd love to hear why you enjoy the cheer.

yes, we've been slammed with probation twice during a period of about ten years or so which has greatly reduced our recent successes. however, we remain one of the most successful college football programs in history and are still the most successful SEC team in history. why act like success is new to us? why act surprised to beat an opponent when we ought to expect to beat every opponent? the cheer just opposses everything that the Alabama's, Texas's, SoCal's, Michigan's, etc should be about.

I don't think this cheer is saying that we are surprised we won. In fact, I think it is the opposite. BAMA fans don't storm the field and tear down the goal posts after a win. Instead, we scream at the opposing team that we just beat the hell out of them...just like we knew we would.

You sir totally understand the spirit of the cheer. Its not that we are taunting you. Some of you, may be friends of ours. I have several AU fans and such... But Ramma Jamma is simply like saying "Hey Auburn Al, you know the other day when you were trying to hang out with me and I was like "whatever"? Remeber when we talked about this game and I told you every day for 364 days that I was going to beat the hell out of you? You remember? Well, guess what, I took care of business, just like I said I would."

Oh and anybody who says that they would get rid or rammajamma has obviously never been to a Alabama Vs. Tennessee game. After 4 hour of Rocky Top, you would enjoy singing it to the UT hillbillies.
TerryP said:
RJ versus the standing ovation we received before and after the Oklahoma game in Norman.

Something to chew on...

thank you! i'm getting killed here. :)

i just love the argument "it's a part of our tradition, can't imagine Bama football without it, etc." maybe i'm in small company, but i cannot use the rationale of "we can't stop now, we've done it for so long, therefore we needn't reevaluate this particular tradition." :roll:
I've never gotten to cheer the Rammer Jammer at a game.

I've been to Utah St and FIU..

I'd love yelling Rammer Jammer at all the Barnes tho
Bama Bo said:
To me it depends on the circumstance. It should not have been used against WCU or Vandy. It should not be used against any middle of the pack or lower tier program.

It should only be used when it is a major opponent such as LSU, AU, UT, and so forth when we win by double digits.

I am with you there. I DID wince a little when we used it against WCU...but I did not mind it against Vandy. That was close enough of a game for my tastes to warrant it. Plus...Vandy thought they were going to win..so I don't mind the fans putting them down via chant!
musso said:
Swamptick said:
Sorry man. I have to disagree. I like it.

what is there to like about yelling at Western Carolina that you beat "the hell outta them?"

what is there to like about yelling the same words at your conference's doormat, Vanderbilt, especially when you beat them by only two scores?

how much class is there in taunting a team whom you have barely beaten?

how much class is there in taunting a team whom you've already crushed on the field of play?

i mean, any way you look at it, it's ridiculous and classless ... especially considering who we are and our history of success.

I was not getting into the arguments as much as I was answering the OP.

If it was all or nothing....I was simply saying I like it. Esp when we are yelling it at Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Auburn and others.

nah, i know what you're saying. and honestly i could live with it against familiar longtime rivals against whom we play frequently/regularly. but god, i'm embarrassed when we play a 1-AA school or any other 1-A patsy and we do the cheer, especially when we don't actually "beat the hell outta them."
rammajamma said:
Bamaman37 said:
musso said:
two, or three of you have expressed support of the cheer, but none have offered your reasons. i'd love to hear why you enjoy the cheer.

yes, we've been slammed with probation twice during a period of about ten years or so which has greatly reduced our recent successes. however, we remain one of the most successful college football programs in history and are still the most successful SEC team in history. why act like success is new to us? why act surprised to beat an opponent when we ought to expect to beat every opponent? the cheer just opposses everything that the Alabama's, Texas's, SoCal's, Michigan's, etc should be about.

I don't think this cheer is saying that we are surprised we won. In fact, I think it is the opposite. BAMA fans don't storm the field and tear down the goal posts after a win. Instead, we scream at the opposing team that we just beat the hell out of them...just like we knew we would.

You sir totally understand the spirit of the cheer. Its not that we are taunting you. Some of you, may be friends of ours. I have several AU fans and such... But Ramma Jamma is simply like saying "Hey Auburn Al, you know the other day when you were trying to hang out with me and I was like "whatever"? Remeber when we talked about this game and I told you every day for 364 days that I was going to beat the hell out of you? You remember? Well, guess what, I took care of business, just like I said I would."

Oh and anybody who says that they would get rid or rammajamma has obviously never been to a Alabama Vs. Tennessee game. After 4 hour of Rocky Top, you would enjoy singing it to the UT hillbillies.


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