| FTBL Let's implement of one of Coach Bryant's commands:


Show class; act like you've been there before.

Can we please terminate the "Rammer Jammer" cheer?????????!!!!!!!!! For a program who enjoys such a storied and rich history, we are better than this.

I nearly vomitted when in both games thus far, against Western Carolina and Vanderbilt, the band cranked up and the fans followed its lead into that embarrassing cheer.

Does anyone else feel me on this????
musso said:
Show class; act like you've been there before.

Can we please terminate the "Rammer Jammer" cheer?????????!!!!!!!!! For a program who enjoys such a storied and rich history, we are better than this.

I nearly vomitted when in both games thus far, against Western Carolina and Vanderbilt, the band cranked up and the fans followed its lead into that embarrassing cheer.

Does anyone else feel me on this????

Sorry man. I have to disagree. I like it.
To me it depends on the circumstance. It should not have been used against WCU or Vandy. It should not be used against any middle of the pack or lower tier program.

It should only be used when it is a major opponent such as LSU, AU, UT, and so forth when we win by double digits.
Swamptick said:
Sorry man. I have to disagree. I like it.

what is there to like about yelling at Western Carolina that you beat "the hell outta them?"

what is there to like about yelling the same words at your conference's doormat, Vanderbilt, especially when you beat them by only two scores?

how much class is there in taunting a team whom you have barely beaten?

how much class is there in taunting a team whom you've already crushed on the field of play?

i mean, any way you look at it, it's ridiculous and classless ... especially considering who we are and our history of success.
Leave it alone. I'm all about class, I'm a Christian etc., but I love Rammer Jammer.

Why does this come up every year? I think it would be ridiculous to stop it.

I know fans from other teams that have heard Ramma Jamma after their team lost but still think of us as classy because of the way the fans interacted with them face-to-face before, during, and after the game. Miami does not do the Ramma Jamma cheer or anything like it and their fans are far from classy.

Bama is classy. Those that think otherwise do so because 1) there team lost, and 2) one of two rare jerks turned then off.

Frankly I do not believe that there is an issue, much less an issue worth trashing one of our most enjoyed traditions over. In the world of football, we are FAR from being the bad guys.

If YOU feel at odds with it, thats another issue. In the spirit of holding-hands and making-friendly within the Bama family, I would suggest that we play Ramma Jamma one time through and leave it at that. Once the first one is completed everything that we want to say and feel has been satisfied.
I'm with Bo on this one. If we beat a big time rival or a very solid team, the band should fire it up.

Getting rid of The Ramma Jamma is laughable. It's a part of our tradition and I LOVE hearing it after a big game. It gives me chills and is one of the most exciting parts of Alabama Football.
two, or three of you have expressed support of the cheer, but none have offered your reasons. i'd love to hear why you enjoy the cheer.

yes, we've been slammed with probation twice during a period of about ten years or so which has greatly reduced our recent successes. however, we remain one of the most successful college football programs in history and are still the most successful SEC team in history. why act like success is new to us? why act surprised to beat an opponent when we ought to expect to beat every opponent? the cheer just opposses everything that the Alabama's, Texas's, SoCal's, Michigan's, etc should be about.
Bama Bo said:
To me it depends on the circumstance. It should not have been used against WCU or Vandy. It should not be used against any middle of the pack or lower tier program.

It should only be used when it is a major opponent such as LSU, AU, UT, and so forth when we win by double digits.

I am with Bo on this, If its Auburn, UT, or that caliber team, I say scream it loud and proud. Western Carolina or Podunk U, it doesnt matter to me.
I was at the Florida game and Tennessee game in Bryant Denny in 2005 and trying to imagine it WITHOUT the RJ cheer is unimaginable.

Western Carolina etc. shouldn't be used - NO.

BIG SEC rivalries - DEFINITELY!!

I hope to be singing at the top of my lungs on NOVEMBER 24, 2007.
musso said:
two, or three of you have expressed support of the cheer, but none have offered your reasons. i'd love to hear why you enjoy the cheer.

yes, we've been slammed with probation twice during a period of about ten years or so which has greatly reduced our recent successes. however, we remain one of the most successful college football programs in history and are still the most successful SEC team in history. why act like success is new to us? why act surprised to beat an opponent when we ought to expect to beat every opponent? the cheer just opposses everything that the Alabama's, Texas's, SoCal's, Michigan's, etc should be about.

I don't think this cheer is saying that we are surprised we won. In fact, I think it is the opposite. BAMA fans don't storm the field and tear down the goal posts after a win. Instead, we scream at the opposing team that we just beat the hell out of them...just like we knew we would.
If you think Rammer Jammer is classless, then don't sing it. I did not sing it at the Western Carolina game, nor did I sing it any last year. Even though we won some games, I didn't feel any of the wins were deserving of the song. However, I did sing it loudly in '05 when we beat Florida. I also happened to be sitting right beside an older couple who were Florida fans. They both laughed, and the man said," You guys earned that one, but we'll get you next year." If they thought of us as classless, they hid it well.

This argument comes up every year, and honestly I don't understand it. The song is no more obnoxious than the Gator Chomp, the Tomahawk chop, or members of the Tennessee band going up and down the aisles playing "Rocky Top" during pregame. It has simply become a tradition. One that I doubt many of the visiting fans have a problem with. It's all meant in fun.
musso said:
two, or three of you have expressed support of the cheer, but none have offered your reasons.... why act like success is new to us? why act surprised to beat an opponent when we ought to expect to beat every opponent? ....the cheer just opposses everything that the Alabama's, Texas's, SoCal's, Michigan's, etc should be about.

Three answers to your three questions/comments.
1) I love the cheer for what it has come to represent which is a win now celebrated in mass among the Bama family, and done so the same way I have done so my entire life, the way my father did it and the way my sons will do it. It is tradition.

Candles on a birthday cake makes no sense. A tree with lights is odd unless it is in the context of Christmas. Traditions don't have to make sense. Tide fans that love an elephant should be the first to acknowledge that.

2) Success is not new, and neither is Ramma Jamma. If anything, doing Ramma Jamma is acting like we did when we expected wins every week. We did not storm the field and tear down the goal posts, we did the same cheer that we did when Bear won 315.

3) Clearly it means something different to you than to me and the 90,000 other fans that do it. Ramma Jamma is not a problem, its a cheer. Its a cheer, its not WHO we are. If you feel guilty, invite a visiting fan into your tail gate party. Tell them "welcome to Tuscaloosa" as you pass them on the street. Tell them "good game" regardless of how it turns out (that works in little league).
Yeah, I gotta admit, I like it too! :D

That cheer is not bad, maybe to the bible thumpin crowd. And it is far from classless (if there is such a word).

Anyway this argument and the "dont tell me to sitdown at the game" are my two favorite waste of breath posts.

Oh, and the "hey everybody lets be loud on Saturday" post is another one. :roll: As if all 90,000 plus that will be at the game will ever read the post!
musso said:
Show class; act like you've been there before.

Can we please terminate the "Rammer Jammer" cheer?????????!!!!!!!!! For a program who enjoys such a storied and rich history, we are better than this.

I nearly vomitted when in both games thus far, against Western Carolina and Vanderbilt, the band cranked up and the fans followed its lead into that embarrassing cheer.

Does anyone else feel me on this????

I think it should be saved for upper schools like Tenn, Aub, Fl and Ok and not for western carolina teams of the world.
Beating the Barn at their house in 2001 and then cranking up RammerJammer. Now that was an enjoyable football game.

:D :D :D :D :D
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