| CURRENT EVENTS Is this Trump announcing without announcing? Video posted post search of his home.

Just because Biden is an unmotivated disaster didn't mean Trump isn't train wreck waiting to happen. The only thing worse than either would be Hillary or Harris.
Really, you didn't like mean tweets. Did you like the economy, mortgage rates ,gas prices, law and order, a respected country, making other countries pay their way, good Supreme Court justices, farmers providing food, plenty of baby formula, low inflation, the open pipeline, or many other real life situations.... I am tired of this crap and until someone comes along with a better plan I'm sticking with TRUMP
Really, you didn't like mean tweets. Did you like the economy, mortgage rates ,gas prices, law and order, a respected country, making other countries pay their way, good Supreme Court justices, farmers providing food, plenty of baby formula, low inflation, the open pipeline, or many other real life situations.... I am tired of this crap and until someone comes along with a better plan I'm sticking with TRUMP
Of course we have to bring up mean tweets because that has anything to do with anything. I don't care for his Supreme Court justices any more than I care for the ones Obama or Biden put up there, they make some terrible rulings all of the time. Along the way, I have realized that both the main parties are complete trash and any candidate who can get their nomination is probably the worst person we could elect. Biden and Trump are just two of the worst I can think of at the moment.

EDIT: I will add that this whole thing is very politically motivated and does help to solidify his base. Unless they can find something related to him removing secret documents (which he made a felony) and charge him with it this will do nothing but help him. Which was a stupid as hell move for Democrats. They should have known better than to feed into the craziness surrounding him by actually doing what people thought they were doing anyway.
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Honestly, we need better candidates across the board. All we have now is a collective bunch of idiots on both sides and all the way down to the local offices. The American political scene is a joke anymore and its disgusting.

Maybe we need to start implementing an intelligence tests and interview to determine them fit for office. I'd also like to see term limits for congress & senate. It wasn't intended to be a full time career.
It looks like the FBI is targeting Trump and his men. They have raided Roger Stone, RudyJuliani, Merrick Rice, and Paul Manafort with deadly force. All raids were at night against older men that didn't have any threat or resistance to the government. IMO if you need to raid the home of a 70 year old with a dozen armed swatt members is the reason we the people need to be very concerned. No democrats have been raided. Looks one-sided to me.
It looks like the FBI is targeting Trump and his men. They have raided Roger Stone, RudyJuliani, Merrick Rice, and Paul Manafort with deadly force. All raids were at night against older men that didn't have any threat or resistance to the government. IMO if you need to raid the home of a 70 year old with a dozen armed swatt members is the reason we the people need to be very concerned. No democrats have been raided. Looks one-sided to me.
He's a con man, he doesn't associates with the best people. FBI has to be protected. SOP. Look at how they took down Capone.

It's not one sided. Just appears that way because he's the one under investigation. Take off the rose colored glasses.
All politics is tribal at this point. You are either Red or Blue. If someone speaks against your side they are either a Nazi or part of the Deep State. It is so tiring that neither side can see any bad in their side. And when one finally does see the bad they trot out some bizarro world version of the No True Scotsman BS.
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