| FTBL Is it possible that Danielson actually....

  • Thread starter imported_porkchop
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....doesn't hate Alabama?

Seriously, hear me out. I know a lot of people don't like Danielson and they say he hates us. That may or may not be true, but I honestly just think that Danielson hates everyone!

He's an equal opportunity hater! He hates everyone and doesn't care who you are. :lol: Seriously, for everything he says negitively about BAMA, he does to the other teams as well. At least it seems to me like he does. I heard him about flip on LSU numerous times today and say things like, "that LSU play-calling is disgusting and Les Miles is a girly-man". Or, "Nick Saban couldn't hold my jock strap....but Les Miles does, if you know what I mean?" Okay, I'm kidding but you know what I mean.

Honestly, I just don't mind him. Yeah, he's a little overly negitive some of the time, but it just seems to me that he is negitive towards whoever is out there, regardless. I do like some of his analysis and appreciate the way he disects why he feels the way he does on a certain play.

What do you guys think?
He really gets on my nerves with his whinnig voice and flip flopping like a politician I can handle old Vern even though he gets players names confused and never corrects it I like him come on CBS get him a different partner
hammer said:
He really gets on my nerves with his whinnig voice and flip flopping like a politician I can handle old Vern even though he gets players names confused and never corrects it I like him come on CBS get him a different partner

I like Vern, but he's about 10 years past his retirement IMHO.
It doesn't bother me, at all.

You are right though, he makes his observations about both sides.

A good example tonight is how he talked about both QB's.

What'll be interesting to see is if he says that JP needs to take the team on his back and win. That last throw to Julio was as close as you can get to the definition of "clutch throw" without spelling it out.
I agree with you Chopper, I've just never had the guts to admit it. Danielson has a pretty unique perspective of the game and analyzes offenses pretty well -- at least to a degree that I can understand.
porkchop said:
....doesn't hate Alabama?

Honestly, I just don't mind him. Yeah, he's a little overly negitive some of the time, but it just seems to me that he is negitive towards whoever is out there, regardless. I do like some of his analysis and appreciate the way he disects why he feels the way he does on a certain play.

What do you guys think?

He did seem to appreciate the hard nosed football :)
I don't know what it is about him, but I just hate having him call our games. I'm usually okay with announcers...but something about Danielson makes me wish someone would just slap him.
He did seem to be pulling for LSU to me. By the way, will somebody get Vern "Hooked on Phonics?" I don't think he got half of the team's name right. I thought these guys did at least a little homework before a game.
I think Danielson sounds a little bias for Bama at times.

I don't mind either one. I just wish they would get some names right every once in awhile. Vern can't say Julio. He's called him Gulio on several occasions. Neither one has gotten McElwains name correct. Every game they've called him something different. A few more name muffs also.
Still have Rolando McCain on defense according to Verne.

And Danielson's praise of LSU's option? I only recall them running it twice, one for a big gain and one for a loss of 2.
Porter said:
I don't think he hates Alabama at all. I just think he isn't particularly good at doing color commentary of college football games.

I don't think he particularly cares for Bama, either. He has man-crushes on Tebow, Urban, and Florida.

I find a lot of his comments asinine, particularly for someone who has played both college and pro football.

I am not looking forward to having to listen to him during the SECCG. :x
porkchop said:
hammer said:
He really gets on my nerves with his whinnig voice and flip flopping like a politician I can handle old Vern even though he gets players names confused and never corrects it I like him come on CBS get him a different partner

I like Vern, but he's about 10 years past his retirement IMHO.

Did you know that it's been 28 yards since Alabama was ranked #1 in the regular season?
Could CBS show at least one more commercial between breaks.
bear facts said:
Porter said:
I don't think he hates Alabama at all. I just think he isn't particularly good at doing color commentary of college football games.

I don't think he particularly cares for Bama, either. He has man-crushes on Tebow, Urban, and Florida.

I find a lot of his comments asinine, particularly for someone who has played both college and pro football.

I am not looking forward to having to listen to him during the SECCG. :x

Nothing to add to that statement......

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