| FOOD I'm in the mood for a food thread. If it's boring? I don't want to hear about it. A twist on something? Yeah.

@rick4bama Like two slices of bread can make a lot of different sandwiches, so can these. As he mentioned, I've done breakfast with these; like a Hot Pocket, so to speak.

I normally use cabbage as my base and then add meat: no coincidence the last was with shrimp.

This comes with a warning. I am a sucker for cooked cabbage. I could make a meal of it...
Going get me some of those wrap when we go back shopping. Yes, I like cabbage.
Same here. New one on me. BUT, definitely on the "to-do" list.

The timing of this post is GREAT! My mom has been asking me to buy black-eyed peas, I have. I mentioned the ham I smoked...was thinking about a slice of that with the peas today for lunch...cornbread on the side.

But now I'm rethinking this. @It Takes Eleven what do you normally have as a side with that? I've got some greens that would be good with that. (I hate cooking them, hate the smell, don't hate eatin' them.) Fried green tomatoes with greens and those patties...hrmm.
Typically, it is a side, but it's a decent plant-based protein...less so than the peas themselves. If I were picking, I'd have turnip/mustard greens with them and let the pot likker soak into them. I eat chow chow with blackeye and pintos, so that works. If having a meat, I'd go with hamburger steak, meatloaf, fried chicken, really anything.

As an aside, sometimes when I'm traveling and really hungry I'll hit a Cracker Barrell. They have a "Beans and Greens" item on the menu which is just the side size for the pintos and greens. I don't order that. I order the bowl of beans and the bowl of greens. There's more than enough ham in each to not even want a meat, and the cornbread and chow chow add nicely to it. If I'm not starving, I'll get just one bowl and a side of the other.

Cracker Barrell's quality and portions have declined over the years, but those two still work for me.
@It Takes Eleven I have had their breakfast dishes, to go, a few times. I can't eat there. No. I won't eat there. The atmosphere just drives me nuts. I don't want to sit and eat with 30 or more people around me that I have no clue who they are.

It's about the ambiance. Some places you can slide into a booth and mentally dismiss the place. You can't at Cracker Barrell.

It's on the same lines as the reason I stopped going to breakfast bars at a few places. You used the word "haunts" the other day. I like those. Just like the gas station food thread...you find one, you go back.

Don't get me wrong. Their food is pretty good. BUT.

I have to hit Ashley Phosphate to get to one. No. There's one on Hwy. 17. Another no. I HATE those streets. No. Let me change that. I hate the drivers on those streets.

This one is a bit of a pain to get to...but I'll go here quicker than CB. @Krimson look at their seafood omelet.

@It Takes Eleven I have had their breakfast dishes, to go, a few times. I can't eat there. No. I won't eat there. The atmosphere just drives me nuts. I don't want to sit and eat with 30 or more people around me that I have no clue who they are.

It's about the ambiance. Some places you can slide into a booth and mentally dismiss the place. You can't at Cracker Barrell.

It's on the same lines as the reason I stopped going to breakfast bars at a few places. You used the word "haunts" the other day. I like those. Just like the gas station food thread...you find one, you go back.

Don't get me wrong. Their food is pretty good. BUT.

I have to hit Ashley Phosphate to get to one. No. There's one on Hwy. 17. Another no. I HATE those streets. No. Let me change that. I hate the drivers on those streets.

This one is a bit of a pain to get to...but I'll go here quicker than CB. @Krimson look at their seafood omelet.

I'd have to nix the shrooms but that looks legit. Those grits read well too. Looks like a place I'd like to try.
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