bamatommy said:
BamaFan19 said:
Anyone that beats JoePa soundly brightens my day :D

I like Paterno.

Generation gap. I'd dare say you won't find very many that are of our age that don't agree with you.

JoePa rates very highly in my book as well.

As to the thread...

I like Penn State in this one. A 10-14 point win seems likely.
TerryP said:
bamatommy said:
BamaFan19 said:
Anyone that beats JoePa soundly brightens my day :D

I like Paterno.

Generation gap. I'd dare say you won't find very many that are of our age that don't agree with you.

JoePa rates very highly in my book as well.

As to the thread...

I like Penn State in this one. A 10-14 point win seems likely.

I'm a fan...

But, I'm a bigger fan of Illinois.

But, Penn State wins it.
TerryP said:
bamatommy said:
BamaFan19 said:
Anyone that beats JoePa soundly brightens my day :D

I like Paterno.

Generation gap. I'd dare say you won't find very many that are of our age that don't agree with you.

JoePa rates very highly in my book as well.

As to the thread...

I like Penn State in this one. A 10-14 point win seems likely.

I love JoePa, I respect him a lot more than Bowden these days.
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