🏈 I Know the 24 Hr. Rule Has Passed But I Found This Amusing

bear facts

Verified Member
My wife, a lovely LSU fan, walks in the afternoons with a neighbor lady who is a MSU graduate and was at the game on Saturday. Now the State lady's logic on the future of MSU football really is something to behold.

First she asked my wife how I was taking the loss. Then, she told my wife that they were glad that Sylvester Croom had turned the program around, but at the same time, they did not want the team to become a powerhouse like LSU. She said it would take the fun out of being a State fan because each week the Bulldogs would be expected to win, and whenever the team didn't then the fans would be greatly disappointed.

Now tell me, what kind of tomfoolery is that? :shock:

I told my wife to tell her she had nothing to worry about. :lol:
That's like being afraid of doing good things in life like getting married, getting a job, doing well. She sounds like she'll never succeed in life, glad she's a state fan and not a bama fan, we don't need her kind! :lol:
Colin said:
That's like being afraid of doing good things in life like getting married, getting a job, doing well. She sounds like she'll never succeed in life, glad she's a state fan and not a bama fan, we don't need her kind! :lol:

Actually she and her husband are good people who succeed in their professions. I think as State football fans they have been disappointed so regularly when the program has shown any promise that they are tired of the letdowns.
Most State fans are like that. They have some of the most loyal fans in the SEC. They stay through every bit of the game, and most of the time they know they are getting beat when it's all said and done.

...Those dang cowbells though. :shock:
There's a Coast Guard guy in our church who is a Mississippi State fan (grad). He sought me out Sunday morning (naturally), but didn't give me very much grief at all. However, the LSU fans made up for it, really giving me down the country 'cause State beat us. Dang LSU fans. :shock:
Re: I Know the 24 Hr. Rule Has Passed But I Found This Amusi

bear facts said:
My wife, a lovely LSU fan, walks in the afternoons with a neighbor lady who is a MSU graduate and was at the game on Saturday. Now the State lady's logic on the future of MSU football really is something to behold.

First she asked my wife how I was taking the loss. Then, she told my wife that they were glad that Sylvester Croom had turned the program around, but at the same time, they did not want the team to become a powerhouse like LSU. She said it would take the fun out of being a State fan because each week the Bulldogs would be expected to win, and whenever the team didn't then the fans would be greatly disappointed.

Now tell me, what kind of tomfoolery is that? :shock:

I told my wife to tell her she had nothing to worry about. :lol:

Isn't that like thinking your pet shrimp might become a Great White? :shock:

I think they have eaten too many of those "hoof slung" chitlins.
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