| FTBL I had the great pleasure of meeting my favorite



ESPN announcer today. I'm still pretty psyched about it. :) Unfortunately for him he was mine for about 2 1/2 hours. :wink:

Any guesses?
Kenny Mayne?


I remember you being a "Dancing with the Stars" fan awhile back. :D
Tider 27 said:

I already met him about a year and a half ago. In fact we were talking and then he gets out his cell phone. He dials a number and says "Hey Rece I've got someone here you need to talk to". It was Rece Davis and we had a nice conversation. :)
Oooooops, I forgot I had two favorite announcers. :D

It was Rece! I've met about 5 of the regular ESPN guys throughout the past few years, and every one of them knows how much I've been wanting to meet Rece. :)

Funny thing is when I got to my hotel Sunday night after meeting Scott Van Pelt I called home & shared SVP's AU girlfriend story with my AU hubby. He loved it and knew there was a reason he liked SVP so much. :roll: We got into a little Alabama/AU tift (yes, emotions are already starting to grow!).

He basically wrapped up the conversation with "well, maybe one day you can finally meet Rece Davis and all your dreams will come true". :shock: I have no idea why all my dreams would come true by just meeting him but regardless. :wink: :D

So, the next morning I'm walking through the Hartford airport and guess who is right in front of me?! yep, Rece! I went up to him right away. He saw me coming, and I swear I think he thought to himself "oh crap, she is coming straight at me". :D

I immediately went to him, said Roll Tide and asked if he remembered talking to me on Tre' Wingo's cell phone. He was very pc and said he recalled it well. I'm sure he didn't, but he scored points right away by lying. :wink: We chatted a few mins. before realizing we were both heading to ATL. We continued our conversation on board.

I can't say enough nice things about him. He is awesome. Huge Alabama fan. He shared one story about this season with me for those of you that don't think he shows enough emotion.

While 1st learning of the Arkansas game he was doing something else in the studio. He wasn't live and wasn't on camera at the time of "the catch", but he said he absolutely flew out of his chair the second it was ruled a TD.

We decided that in our next life....well, nevermind. :lol:
...and here I was all the time thinking it was Clayton that had your heart! :p

Nice story S. I've always been impressed with how he handles his role on ESPN. Even more after giving helmet stickers to ULM after this past weekend.
Lance, you are cruel. :D

Two things...I swear I was smiling that big when I met him, :wink: and I would not be wearing that on air. Ask bear facts. :wink:

Actually 3 things...my hair is not that short, but I'd cut it if I had to. :lol:
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