| FTBL Honestly, Lane Kiffin?!?



Seriously, of all the conferences in America UT brings in a guy that's 33 years old. He may someday become good coach, but you have to think that half the coaches in this league have to be pleased with this move.

Assuming that UT aspires to be the best, how long before "Kid Kiffin" matures enough to dominate? Now consider that chance that UT will have the patience to wait that long.

UT was in a tough spot no doubt, but choosing a HC who refers to Graduate Assistance as "Dude" can't be the answer.
The last ex-Raider HC hired by a college worked out well for Nebraska, so I'm really, really happy for the Creamsicles!

Unfortunately, I now have to throw away my sack of unused donut jokes.
This is the reason why, unless he bolts for Clemson, I think Wingnut stays at home. There just aren't any coaches out there right now that would be better IMO. Is this "dude" any better than Fulmer? I mean right now I am watching a replay of the UTEP and ECU game from earlier today and I am thinkin that I would have given Skip Holtz a chance. (BTW thank goodness for hookers and a U of A Visa card because I don't think Mike Price was a good choice). But anyway, IDK. There just isn't a Petrino or Saban quality coach out there. Looks like they would have been better off dumping Fatamus last year and at least going after Nutt.
I say great hire! I am sure they will pay for a baby sitter! along with a very hard 3 years of pre-school! :lol: :lol: Well that will bring a 5 year winning streak on! 2007-2008-2009-2010-2011! RTR! :D
Swamptick said:
Who gives a sh*& about UT football?

Honestly you would think this was a UT, AU or LSU board.

Sorry you didn't get the memo. This is now an Auburn board. All the Crimson and White will be removed from the site over the next few days.

We are also in the process of deleting all the topics dedicated to Alabama football. That process could take several months, however.

RollTide1980 said:
Swamptick said:
Who gives a sh*& about UT football?

Honestly you would think this was a UT, AU or LSU board.

Sorry you didn't get the memo. This is now an Auburn board. All the Crimson and White will be removed from the site over the next few days.

We are also in the process of deleting all the topics dedicated to Alabama football. That process could take several months, however.


Number1TideFan19 said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Definately a GAMBLE by the Vols

He could turn out to be Great!!!!or he turn out to be Mike Shula

He couldn't do any worse than he did to my raiders...
The Raiders were in shambles long before Lane Kiffin was hired. They'll probably remain that way until Al Davis decides to let it go and sales the team.
This could turn out great for the other SEC schools, that's my initial opinion. I think it all depends on his staff. He's got to get some good assistants in there to counter his lack of experience. Especially when it comes to recruiting and adapting to the Southeast.
Tider27 said:
This could turn out great for the other SEC schools, that's my initial opinion. I think it all depends on his staff. He's got to get some good assistants in there to counter his lack of experience. Especially when it comes to recruiting and adapting to the Southeast.

What you have just said is what raises flags to me.

"It all depends on his staff." I can honestly say I clearly remember a school's fan base talking about the staff he surrounds himself to make a judgment on how a head coach will do on the field.

That was here, in 2003.
RollTide1980 said:
Lane Kiffin=MIKE SHULA!


I concur mostly, only Kiffin is worse in two ways.

First, Kiffin is not a Vol favorite son the way that Shula was. Second, Kiffin will not have to compete under negative influences of probation that were not his fault. For these reasons Kiffin will be held to a higher standard and likely given even less time to succeed.
RollTide1980 said:
Swamptick said:
Who gives a sh*& about UT football?

Honestly you would think this was a UT, AU or LSU board.

Sorry you didn't get the memo. This is now an Auburn board. All the Crimson and White will be removed from the site over the next few days.

We are also in the process of deleting all the topics dedicated to Alabama football. That process could take several months, however.


Lol. 10/10 Great post! :)
Why Kiffin? Was Marty Morningweg not available? I mean...since they're looking for failed NFL coaches, they might as well look for one who at least THINKS he can win a ballgame.

Oh and um...i guess they're not paying any attention whatsoever to the fact that Kiffin lied and misled the Raiders all during his short tenure there. The man even denied knowing he was fired! LOL
It's been interesting watching the different opinions voiced today on ESPN. Mark May was the most brutal, I thought. He questioned the hire and went back to use the example of Kiffin interviewing for the Minnesota job and not getting that one.

So, Minnesota says no and UT says yes?
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