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No I can not..... Why go there when we got the best damn sports forum here? Makes no sense at all. In the words of LARRY "Its like wipping your butt before you poop". Makes no sense a all. If we went over to that site there would be choas with moderators not doing there job. Instead of you recruiting us it is clear we need to recruit you. Why even think about another site? This site offers you everything you need.
No guys u got it all wrong. I'm not tryin to take people from this site and bring them over there. I just wanted to let them over there know that there is a bama nation. They talk so much crap about us its not even funny. I didnt wanna cut down this board, I just wanted to help that board. If u registering over there means u cant post over here, then by all means dont do it. But if u could, it would help me out alot to show them who the Bama nation is. Sorry for any confusion
No harm, no foul. I think the biggest thing is that many of our members don't like participating in flame wars with rivals. Rival boards really arent my thing either.
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