Help! DWTS and The Bacheloette

alabama mike

Just Win Baby!
Ok, I have to rant to somebody. I got home from work today, changed clothes and went outside to plant part of my garden. I get inside about 7:30, take a shower and sit down with supper to watch some TV. Low and behold the wife is all fired up to watch DWTS. No problem I think to myself because I can read the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) and check out some sports sites. Next thing I know Mrs. Bama wants to watch the Bachelorette. HELP!!!!! Is this abuse?
Howard ( @psychojoe ) will say I'm showing off...

It amuses me to see "went outside to plant part of my garden." I'm already eating fresh veggies out of mine.

Now, to the point, "is this abuse?"

Let me preface this with a short story. I met a girl about two months ago I liked and wanted to go out with. In our first conversation that went past the "how are things going," I asked her what she had recorded on her DVR. She mentioned a few shows like "Dateline: Mystery." If you think about that for a second it tells a lot about the type of TV viewing content she liked.

So, my question is this. When you first met her, what was she watching at that point? Did you ever find yourself asking, "why is she watching that crap?"

IF so, it's not abuse. You made the bed you're sleeping in...
Spot on, Terry. It is a common occurrence for dating couples to put up their best fronts for their new squeeze. For a while you are both agreeable to what each other wants to do, even if it is watching the replay of the latest blowout of Arkansas, or sitting there while she oohs and ahs over the latest American Idol sensation. Hopefully before things progress to matrimony, you find out what your real common interests are, and decide whether you really can exist in the same household.

It helps a lot to have more than one TV in the house.
Hey Mike, just quick suggestion on the garden bit.

I ran across a variety of bean called "Provider." It's a green bean, much like a string bean, but it doesn't have strings. I'm mentioning this because it's ideal growing condition is cool soil when it's starting off. I've had mine in for...six weeks, maybe? Perhaps a little less. They're roughly 2' tall now and I just pulled my third meal from them this evening.
Terry, we had frost this past weekend here in Ohio so I am glad I waited to plant, usually after May 15th here. I still have room for more corn and beans so I'll see if the feed store has them. Thanks for the tip. Mrs. Bama does a lot of canning and freezing.
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