| FTBL Great win, but bad plays



I’m very happy we came out with a win at LSU. I like most fans of the Tide was sweating when it went into overtime. It was in a very tough environment, some would say even hostile. The young Crimson Tide team, showed great determination, to overcome such adversity. I like many others were very surprised at the poise our team displayed at the end of regulation play. Then in overtime our defense rose up to the challenge and our offense put 7 on the board for the finally play game over.

Although this was a great victory for the Tide, I could not help, but to notice how many errors we made. Not only did we have dumb penalties, we had a few turnovers via Int, and fumble. I listened to CNS interview after the game. He brought up some good points about how the team didn’t play up to the standard or best they could. I know we are so close to playing for the big one, but I for one don’t believe we can afford those mistakes again. Our punting game was great; our return team turned the ball over. Our defense was out freaking standing, yet we gave up 21 off dumb plays. . I hope CNS is working to correct these fundamental faults on our team.

Championships are won with great fundamentals, although we didn’t have our best game. Our team showed that it could fight through and overcome when it counts. I’ve always hated playing MSU because it’s a tough game. Coming off the LSU game I hope we’re not to beat up. Seems to me further we go the more this is looking like 92 season all over again.
I agree with you 100% and think for the most part this was all self imposed adversity. We need to eliminate that to stay undefeated.

I do have to say though our kids had a lot of external influences to deal with this week (#1, Saban returning to LSU, and general welfare intimidation) and composed themselves enough to finish this game with a win. We should have won it twice before ever going to OT, but we didn't...

I think we will make major "mental" improvements as a result of this game, so I see the way this game ended as a very positive thing for our program.
elbatider said:
I agree with you 100% and think for the most part this was all self imposed adversity. We need to eliminate that to stay undefeated.

I do have to say though our kids had a lot of external influences to deal with this week (#1, Saban returning to LSU, and general welfare intimidation) and composed themselves enough to finish this game with a win. We should have won it twice before ever going to OT, but we didn't...

I think we will make major "mental" improvements as a result of this game, so I see the way this game ended as a very positive thing for our program.
I think we needed a game like this. It show that these guys can come together and win a game. Something these guys couldn't do last year. And their won in OT away from BDS.
rick4bama said:
elbatider said:
I agree with you 100% and think for the most part this was all self imposed adversity. We need to eliminate that to stay undefeated.

I do have to say though our kids had a lot of external influences to deal with this week (#1, Saban returning to LSU, and general welfare intimidation) and composed themselves enough to finish this game with a win. We should have won it twice before ever going to OT, but we didn't...

I think we will make major "mental" improvements as a result of this game, so I see the way this game ended as a very positive thing for our program.
I think we needed a game like this. It show that these guys can come together and win a game. Something these guys couldn't do last year. And their won in OT away from BDS.

I agree too Rick, it shows just how much CNS has turned out program around. I've truely believe he is the coach of the year. Not because I'm and Alabama fan, but look at what he has done to our program. Never in a million years did anyone see that Alabama would be 10-0 and #1 in the country. If that is not a great coach then IDK what is not!

Furthermore look at our seniors the few we have JPW, Caldwell, and others! Outstanding calm under pressure. We are going places!
Optimus said:
I’m very happy we came out with a win at LSU. I like most fans of the Tide was sweating when it went into overtime. It was in a very tough environment, some would say even hostile. The young Crimson Tide team, showed great determination, to overcome such adversity. I like many others were very surprised at the poise our team displayed at the end of regulation play. Then in overtime our defense rose up to the challenge and our offense put 7 on the board for the finally play game over.

Although this was a great victory for the Tide, I could not help, but to notice how many errors we made. Not only did we have dumb penalties, we had a few turnovers via Int, and fumble. I listened to CNS interview after the game. He brought up some good points about how the team didn’t play up to the standard or best they could. I know we are so close to playing for the big one, but I for one don’t believe we can afford those mistakes again. Our punting game was great; our return team turned the ball over. Our defense was out freaking standing, yet we gave up 21 off dumb plays. . I hope CNS is working to correct these fundamental faults on our team.

Championships are won with great fundamentals, although we didn’t have our best game. Our team showed that it could fight through and overcome when it counts. I’ve always hated playing MSU because it’s a tough game. Coming off the LSU game I hope we’re not to beat up. Seems to me further we go the more this is looking like 92 season all over again.

Enjoyed your post, Optimus.

I just hope this MSU game is much easier than the one in '92. Of course, State has had an extra week to prepare for us.
bear facts said:
Optimus said:
I’m very happy we came out with a win at LSU. I like most fans of the Tide was sweating when it went into overtime. It was in a very tough environment, some would say even hostile. The young Crimson Tide team, showed great determination, to overcome such adversity. I like many others were very surprised at the poise our team displayed at the end of regulation play. Then in overtime our defense rose up to the challenge and our offense put 7 on the board for the finally play game over.

Although this was a great victory for the Tide, I could not help, but to notice how many errors we made. Not only did we have dumb penalties, we had a few turnovers via Int, and fumble. I listened to CNS interview after the game. He brought up some good points about how the team didn’t play up to the standard or best they could. I know we are so close to playing for the big one, but I for one don’t believe we can afford those mistakes again. Our punting game was great; our return team turned the ball over. Our defense was out freaking standing, yet we gave up 21 off dumb plays. . I hope CNS is working to correct these fundamental faults on our team.

Championships are won with great fundamentals, although we didn’t have our best game. Our team showed that it could fight through and overcome when it counts. I’ve always hated playing MSU because it’s a tough game. Coming off the LSU game I hope we’re not to beat up. Seems to me further we go the more this is looking like 92 season all over again.

Enjoyed your post, Optimus.

I just hope this MSU game is much easier than the one in '92. Of course, State has had an extra week to prepare for us.

You and I are on the same page Bear. I don't want to say "TRAP" game because at when you're #1 isn't everygame one! lol

But, we did get Croomed, last year, and MSU does have history of beating us at #1. Given that was some 28 years, but does not negate the fact we should really take a look at last year and focus on the matter at hand. I swear this is the 92 season all over. No one says we can win, but we just keep on winning! :wink:

How well does MSU match up to us? They are always big, and strong. I don't know much about them this year. I waiting for Big Fans, breakdown or TP's... They seem to have an good feel for the games.
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