Gather 'round - Serious business

Snout, woody, bpm, stalker, slo, cad, ki, pundit, biff.... that's another $225 if yall just threw in $25 each... just sayin'

And we can make cad keep going back to the donation page each time he visits
He doesn't need to??

I will put in whatever's necessary. In all honesty, it's turning out like it might not be necessary for me to put in much financially up front (much thanks to everyone who has given) which I never imagined would be the case, but I'm pretty sure I will spend over 50 hours working on it over the next 2-3 weeks just to get it up and will probably continue having to make tweaks for the first couple months. I also don't expect it to pay for itself, at least not unless we're able to grow it over the next year, so I'm sure I will be picking up the tab at some point.
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