| FOOD Found this on Twitter: What's your weirdest food combination?

Peanut butter and ham sandwiches.

Peanut butter on one slice of bread, mayonnaise on the other, sliced banana in the middle
PB and Banana, Mayo and Banana...both I've had. The combination? Hrrm.

The only thing I've been able to come up with is peanut butter between two ginger snaps...along the lines of a Nutter Butter but with a different cookie.

I googled the question out of curiosity and see a lot that mention things they thought were weird, but to me seemed like a natural experiment. Who hasn't tried combinations of french fries and milkshakes? Or, Oreo's and coffee?

Soy sauce and ice cream threw me ... weird.
The peanut butter and ham comes from growing up without a lot of variety to eat. So you experiment with things. I liked peanut butter. I liked ham. We had no cheese or mayo so I did what I thought would be good. It was. I see now that there are tons of peanut butter glazed ham recipes and such so others are in on it too.
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