When I was living in Memphis, there was a place on Winchester that couldn't have been more than 12'x12'. That's probably an overestimate. No tables, nothing but a guy making burgers. The old guy only worked about four hours a day...opened around 11, closed around 2, maybe 3ish depending on the traffic.
But good god almighty...those cheeseburgers were to die for. This was in the late 80's...dude was charging six or seven bucks for a meal. BUT, it was a ground sirloin burger.
That French fries thread I started...he used some type of popcorn seasoning on his fries. I still don't know what it was.
Chapel cove area????
I was at UT Martin in the late 80’s. My girlfriend’s mother lived over in that area and she would get us burgers from a little place like what you’re describing. I never went she would get it when got in town without fail!!!
The seasoning on the fries rings a bell with me!!!