bear facts said:
Porter said:
I think the downward slide has begun, but the one thing The Hat has in his corner is he can recruit. Saban cleared away the rubble that DiNardo left and rebuilt that whole program. It is going to take a LOT for Miles to screw it up (from a recruiting standpoint). I think they are headed back for more mediocre results, but I think they will remain competitive for the immediate future unless we start seeing a lot of coaching turnover, which I doubt we'll see there.
Oh, they are about to through a cycle like Bama did after the Dubose debacle. But coaching instability is something that comes natural down there.
From '86 until Nick Saban's arrival, the Tigers went through a few head coaches. Not only are LSU fans delusional, they are also impatient. Just look back on the infamous Curly Hallman game against Auburn. I know there was other baggage surrounding that firing, but still things like that and DiNardo's meltdown against Bama in '98 (though an even worse '99) helped to seal their coaching fates in Baton Rouge.
I said this when Les(s) Miles got the job. His career at LSU will mirror Mike Archer's. Remember, Archer's Tigers went 10-1-1 during his first year ('87) at LSU. But he had inherited a solid Arnsparger team. Shortly after the Bama game in 1990, Archer was fired.
Saban had left Les a much stronger yet younger team than the squad that Archer was given. It may take Miles a year or two longer to meet a similar fate.
Cholly Mac has been the only one to have any real longevity down there as a head coach, and there were times I actually have thought Coach Bryant may have let CCM win on occasion just to keep the LSU fans appeased. :wink:
You are a Moron... One Loss and you are throwing us under the bus.. Many people could have said that after we lost to Tennessee at Home when we had 21-point lead at the half back in 05. We turned it around,we didnt fire Les Miles, & our outcome the last 3 years can speak for itself.
Your fans are the most delusional out there.. It is finally halfway through the season and you guys already declared yourself National Champs. You guys were crying after a dismal season and a loss to ULM which you were calling for Nick Saban's Head. Yall have selective memory out in Bama about last year. Shula's Players sure are playing well this year for Saban..
I promise you that November 8th. LSU will play a totally different game against Bama. Since we got brought back to reality, our team is going to focus better and not worry about our ranking and go back to playing solid football. This is going to be the best thing to happen LSU football. We needed a good ass whooping and now we know which areas of our team we need to work on.
Bearfacts you can kiss my ass.. You are the most delusional, ignorant, jealous of LSU, Bama Fan I have ever seen. You need to crawl out your Red Dirt Cave and leave your Auburn Boy Toy alone. Anyone who judges the future of a school's football program on one away game against a top ten team is a complete football retard and truely is a Forest Gump wantabee.
Get ready for a rude awakening from your love affair with Nick Satan, If you look at his record over the years. He has streaks of mediocracy with huge letdowns.
Here is a salute to BearFacts "Real Men of Genuis"
Bud Light theme music)
Announcer: Bud Light Presents, “Real Men of Genius”
Backup singer: Reaaaaal Men Of Genius
Announcer: Today we salute you, Mr. Delusional, Irrational Alabama Fan.
Backup singer: Mr. Delusional, Irrational Alabaaama Faan
Announcer: Season after season, year after year, you try to convince people your team is superior by talking about the past.
Backup singer: Twelve National Championships
Announcer: You scramble to come up with reasons why your Tide is heading back to the top, even when they have a bad record and lose to their biggest rivals.
Backup singer: Saban’s going to take us to the top now.
Announcer: Inevitably, you’ll brag about Bear Bryant and championships won 20 years before you were born.
Backup singer: Those, werree the daaaaaays!
Announcer: So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh King of the Past, and take comfort in knowing that even when Alabama accepts a bid to play in the Music City Bowl again this year, at least it won’t be a long drive.
Backup singer: Mr. Delusional, Irrational Alabaaama Fan