| FTBL First Post Since Game

Proud Tiger

Verified Member
As I noted last Thursday, I wouldn't be posting until today. I went down to Auburn for the IB and just got home this evening. Of course I enjoyed the game but it was a good game pretty much all the way. Both sides made their share of mistakes. I have purused thru the posts here since the game and everything has been hashed around so there is little left to say. Just a couple of comments though:

1. I was around campus all day long Saturday. I talked to a lot of Bama fans. I'm sure some of you had some negative experience (as always seems to be the case anywhere at a big game) but this seemed to be the most civil I have seen Auburn and Bama fans be in a long time. All day, during the game, and after the game, I didn't see one single incident. There were evn Bama fans milling around at the Tommer's Corner celebration after the same. The good fan behavior was nice to see.

2. On the game, I truly didn't understand Bama's game plan to try to play smash mouth FB and run the ball up the middle so much. Especially after seeing that we shut down McFarland and Jones when we beat Arky. The Bama offense I was afraid of only showed up in the last few minutes when they opened things up with pretty good success. Why Bama didn't attack our pass defense more surprised me. That has bee our weak point on defense. I would demote Major to LT. :D
McFarland? do you mean McPhadden?

my guess as to why we ran up the middle so much was because

1. our passing game deteriorated since LSU.

2. we had our starting center playing RT which probably further limited the number of passing opportunities, especially when facing auburn's pressure from the edges.

3. our faster RB, Grant, was injured. the other two RBs who played are bigger and more physical. so i'm guessing that our coaches wanted to use them inside instead of trying to get to the edges against a speedy defense.

that's my two cents.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
They played both safties deep thats why we elected to run.

Not true. Auburn had the FS deep and the SS up right behind the LB'S. Our WR'S had 1 on 1 coverage most of the game. There Safties had a alot of tackles and it wasnt from our RB'S getting into the secondary because that didnt happen to often.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
They played both safties deep thats why we elected to run.

Not true. Auburn had the FS deep and the SS up right behind the LB'S. Our WR'S had 1 on 1 coverage most of the game. There Safties had a alot of tackles and it wasnt from our RB'S getting into the secondary because that didnt happen to often.

They actually did some of both.
Proud Tiger said:
musso said:
McFarland? do you mean McPhadden?

Between the two of us maybe we can get it right. It is actually McFadden :D

PT I didn't know you like spawn!! lol just kidding man. Congrats on 6****ing years in a row! ROLF!! Nice as I can say it bear with me!
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