🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

Other than a site like this, I don’t really get social media. I
If you don't know how to fact check stuff like this, social media isn't for you.

It's a fake tweet, and anyone can make the same tweet with your name on it instead.
Awesome that I have you to help me out! How did you determine it was fake so quickly? Let us just say that it isn‘t that important if it is completely factual. It’s OK to make up crap and slander left wing nut jobs because it serves a greater purpose than what the left wants for America.

Dang, thinking like a democrat is like logical gymnastics
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we shouldn’t even see our family for a July 4th gathering this weekend,

I stopped by the bar last night for a quick bite when the news was announcing what was going on in CA. One of the owners, a little on the loose side last night, suggested he'd match—dollar for dollar—any money people wanted to pitch in for fireworks.

I wasn't interested in the party, but always interested in sparking a little controversy, right? A few whispers here and there, and a few "jabs" across the bar about people being unpatriotic...

A little over $500 put in a pot in 15-20 minutes. So...figuring there's over $1100 going to be dropped on fireworks today.

I'm still not going to go...not my scene....gotta admit I'm tempted.
You judge Dan's view here as you wish. I'd like to point to one thing here.

How, or where, do you compare an Ivy League football team to one in the SEC? Or ACC? In this case, let's say how do you compare one of their schools to Bama?

Does Harvard profit from their athletic department like Alabama does? Do they have guys waiting to assume professional careers in the league?

According to collegefactual.com, " Of the 35 sports programs at Harvard University, 0 pay for themselves." Note that they have 0 athletic scholarships as the Ivy League doesn't have them.

But, Harvard has a $40.9 Billion endowment. Alabama has $1.5 Billion. I think they can afford to lose money at the game for a bit.
I know that for me, I am not a huge fan of NFL or NBA anymore anyway But with NBA going to be a commercial for”social injustice” which is still bullshit in my opinion and NFL will be kneeling to my flag.. both will get zero support from me!
I understand why Alabama did a video but I don’t support the way BLM has gone about their business and to me they still haven’t stated what they are trying to accomplish for black people.
I don’t think the NFL or the NBA realize how much this Covid thing is gonna cost them.. alienating the majority of their paying supporters is probably not the best plan to help with that.
It was the Ivy League's decision to cancel all spring sports that eventually lead to everyone following suit. I think that the Ivy League won't play and again, the rest of the county will feel as if they have no choice but to follow suit.
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