| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

Define small number. Put a value on a single life. If more testing was in place things could move faster. I'm not blind I see what is happening to the economy it has a direct impact on me but we are talking about life and death. It's up to each state to determine when things get opened back up thank God.

I do not think a life is worth wasting for things that can be contained, unless they are just evil. When I look at other instances in life like I noted in my response to your comment that are killing people at a higher number, I consider this small. Why aren't people up in arms and figuring out how to feed kids, which are dying at a higher rate than corona is killing folks. Are their lives any less important? No one is coming up with a cure of thinking of them on a daily basis, so what makes corona so special? This is a situation where something finally can hit people at all levels and not just the unfortunate, so of course it makes headlines. In my mind, it's a small number of people compared to other daily losses we are taking from life, so why shouldn't we get back going again.
I do not think a life is worth wasting for things that can be contained, unless they are just evil. When I look at other instances in life like I noted in my response to your comment that are killing people at a higher number, I consider this small. Why aren't people up in arms and figuring out how to feed kids, which are dying at a higher rate than corona is killing folks. Are their lives any less important? No one is coming up with a cure of thinking of them on a daily basis, so what makes corona so special? This is a situation where something finally can hit people at all levels and not just the unfortunate, so of course it makes headlines. In my mind, it's a small number of people compared to other daily losses we are taking from life, so why shouldn't we get back going again.

I'm not sure what your definition is of "get back going again". Unfortunately I don't see us returning to normal until there is a vaccine and it is deployed.
I'm not sure what your definition is of "get back going again". Unfortunately I don't see us returning to normal until there is a vaccine and it is deployed.

Going back to work. Opening up restaurants and other places of business to get a large part of the workforce going again. Hate to say it, but if you're worried about catching the virus, quit work, stay at home, and don't collect a paycheck, but there are simply too many people struggling to let this continue and to force them and other tax paying Americans to cover it.
Going back to work. Opening up restaurants and other places of business to get a large part of the workforce going again. Hate to say it, but if you're worried about catching the virus, quit work, stay at home, and don't collect a paycheck, but there are simply too many people struggling to let this continue and to force them and other tax paying Americans to cover it.

Thank God you are not a decision maker.
Just reported on 33/40, the mayor of Gulf Shores plans to reopen the beaches 1 May. Wow! That seems really soon! Repeating Mayor Vaughn's call to open the beaches too soon? I know the goal is to make everything normal by Memorial Day but still...
Thanks for getting parsehtml working again @TerryP (y)

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I'm definitely not in the camp of "it was no big deal" but at this point, we have to start opening things back up. By we I mean smaller states. I dont think NY - for example - is going to be able to for a while longer. But we waited so long before we did anything - and so many places STILL are not taking it very seriously - that the only thing we're doing is further killing the economy.
I'm definitely not in the camp of "it was no big deal" but at this point, we have to start opening things back up. By we I mean smaller states. I dont think NY - for example - is going to be able to for a while longer. But we waited so long before we did anything - and so many places STILL are not taking it very seriously - that the only thing we're doing is further killing the economy.

One thing that concerns me, Montana. All those tourist visiting from out of state...

While the smaller less occupied states may not have an issue now, what happens when summer travels start up.

So many unknowns. Just hope we do this as safely and quickly as possible.
Thank God you are not a decision maker.

Seem to be handling my own life pretty well along with five other souls I'm responsible for, so I'd say my decision making skills are just fine. Don't jump off that cliff you've been on for some time now. Cry about Trump a little more, that'll solve it all.
Going back to work. Opening up restaurants and other places of business to get a large part of the workforce going again. Hate to say it, but if you're worried about catching the virus, quit work, stay at home, and don't collect a paycheck, but there are simply too many people struggling to let this continue and to force them and other tax paying Americans to cover it.

I think you're right on. Risk versus reward, calculations that most people have made on a daily basis throughout their adult life. Stay in lock down until Billy Gates gets his vaccine with his tracking markers ready for the world so they can control the people that refuse it and not allow them their liberty? That aint gonna work. My opinion is there is a drug that, by all accounts, saves most peoples lives who are allowed to take it. That is what is going to be what is counted on and allow for our country to open back up. HCQ
I'm definitely not in the camp of "it was no big deal" but at this point, we have to start opening things back up. By we I mean smaller states. I dont think NY - for example - is going to be able to for a while longer. But we waited so long before we did anything - and so many places STILL are not taking it very seriously - that the only thing we're doing is further killing the economy.

I think we have to look at parts, not wholes. NYC will take longer to open than Buffalo, Albany, Syracuse or Rochester. Open the parts that can be opened. Don't penalize an entire state for the actions/inactions of large cities.
Anyone have an honest assessment for the process other countries ahead of used to reopen things? It is not like we do not have some data from other countries we could use as a guide for what has worked or not. I have a couple of people that grew up and still has family in China that works for me and they did say a couple of weeks ago things are reopening. We did not get into what the process was that was used.
Honestly can't say I can recall ever seeing anyone in the professional world with the no mustache beard, insert CDC Director Redfield.

You've had many disagreements, I've never once seen you accuse others of having been "full of anger and hatred." On one hand you have a person that states his opinions and can be passionate about it, on the other you have someone who goes around accusing that person of beating his wife (or implying it). Yet I'm the angry, hate filled emotional one. THAT is my point.
It's not new. It's how you come across when I see you discussing some issues, some groups, and some people. I find it interesting you hang on to my perceptions of hatred and anger but fail to acknowledge the self admission of my possibily being incorrect.

It's been a minute ... and I didn't make anything of it other than a friendly jab ... but as I recall 12 said something about your wife beating you up, not the other way around. I think that was part of his "punch" line ... but again, it's been awhile.
Generally speaking, I try not to mention someone's wife. I know I wouldn't appreciate it...

In person, this conversation would generally end up in fisticuffs.

Back on topic :)
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