Always with a cute gif. Maturity really kicks in towards the end. Wish I had as much free time as you do.
There's not much news these days...
Always with a cute gif. Maturity really kicks in towards the end. Wish I had as much free time as you do.
I feel exactly the same way about how Trump the man and how he has conducted himself. Radically dishonest, both professionally and personally. He's absolutely an amoral buffoon.
However - however - I have to be pleased about aspects of the Trump presidency in regard to policies and positions that have been advanced during his term. The Senate has carried the water, and some of his appointees, left alone to do good work, have done just so. Judicial appointments will have a lasting, positive impact.
I continue to weigh the long-term damage that Trump has done to conservative causes - and I count alienated Republicans as part of the damage - and I balance it against what a Hillary presidency might have inflicted upon the nation.
Knowing what I now know, I would still choose the buffoon.
Tim, I understand where you are coming from. I knew and said the man was a buffoon from the very beginning. But I thought he was the lesser on the two evils. But he is a con man, immoral, ignorant, a pathological liar he is decimating parts of our government by firing good civil servants who are not willing to kiss his boots.
The man has no empathy or compassion he doesn't give a damn about his base but he sure does want their vote. It will take some time for the Republican Party to recover from the damage done. The man is drunk on power and with him it's never we or us it's me and I. I've seen someone take credit for everything that goes right and when the first thing goes wrong he point finger at everyone else. Classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
The funny thing is he thinks he gets to decide when things get opened back up and he doesn't it's up to each state. Governors make the call. That is driving him crazy.
I wonder how many reported flu deaths this year were actually CV? There are a lot of bad information and I’m sure propaganda making for fear and confusion in GenPop.
N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count
The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.
In the financial world, companies get in trouble for cooking the books...
I didn't blame Trump for the Coronavirus, I blamed him for his inaction, ignorance and incompetence in dealing with it.
In the first few days of this thread I mentioned my being reticent to make judgements on how this has all been handled because of that very issue; the information we were dealing with. Some of the things I've seen suggested baffle me because seldom do they take into account the unintended consequences.
(As example, "Trump should have done something sooner." IF we go with that for a minute, and ignore what the WHO was saying at the time, let's say he did shut down travel. Let's say he did start the stay at home sooner. When was that supposed to happen? Let's say it starts at the beginning of March...
How many would be yelling about Trump trying to subvert the democratic election process by shutting things down in the middle of the Super Tuesday campaign runs? But I digress ... )
Back to the subject at hand ... I think it was @#80 who cited numbers in NY the last couple of days. NY numbers = bad information.
Then again, this is from the New York Times...such a bastion of integrity.
N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count (Published 2020)
The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested
That's from this thread posted a month ago, right?
I'd say when we consider the jobs the President and his staff along with state governors and going down the chain all the way to your local leaders ...they've done a commendable considering.
Estimates now range from what ... I want to say I heard 40-60K now.
Individual perspectives can be funny things ...
Those estimates came from a report looking at if we did nothing... You can cite whatever you want. You can do exactly what he does, blaming the WHO, blaming the presidents before him, blame everyone else. The FACT is that he was getting briefings from his own people telling him how serious this was while he did nothing - other than a ban on travel from China after we already had cases here - from January to March. You can say it's my individual perspective, I'm angry, I'm a stupid lib, blah blah blah but he sat around telling us it was nothing to worry about and it would "just go away" for a damn month. That's bad enough but all the while he was saying that he was also doing nothing behind the scenes. Now you want me to give him a pat on the back. No thank you.
You tend to miss sarcasm, Josh.All of that about not trusting the information and then you post a NY Times article and question it's legitimacy because it's the Times... so did you not read it? It literally comes from the New York Health Department. Just like the numbers we get in Alabama and every state gets....
See, exactly. Even when presented with information you stick to your opinion and what you think. Keep digging them heels in, cause this is better and better to watch.
You tend to miss sarcasm, Josh.
This falls apart from it's beginning if you're trying to get me into a blame game. I'm not cut of that cloth.Those estimates came from a report looking at if we did nothing... You can cite whatever you want. You can do exactly what he does, blaming the WHO, blaming the presidents before him, blame everyone else. The FACT is that he was getting briefings from his own people telling him how serious this was while he did nothing - other than a ban on travel from China after we already had cases here - from January to March. You can say it's my individual perspective, I'm angry, I'm a stupid lib, blah blah blah but he sat around telling us it was nothing to worry about and it would "just go away" for a damn month. That's bad enough but all the while he was saying that he was also doing nothing behind the scenes. Now you want me to give him a pat on the back. No thank you.
That cabinet only holds bottles.Bully for you. Careful with the china...