Tough times right now and lots of stressors. No reason to create more
I need to file my taxes...damnit.
I need to file my taxes...damnit.
Tough times right now and lots of stressors. No reason to create more
I need to file my taxes...damnit.
I did a little research last night on how this covid 19 virus looks like at the molecular level. What I found is very disturbing. For all intent and purposes, researchers from other countries say that this virus looks to have 4 man made markers inserted at just the right place to make this virus so contagious. They are finding that these markers strongly resemble GP120, the protein found in the HIV1, that makes that virus so contagious and deadly. The scientist that are studying this are saying that it is very unlikely that these markers, found at just the right places, to have occurred naturally, but look to have been inserted intentionally.
This by itself does not prove anything, but looks highly suspicious. 2+2 will always = 4. I am not going to post any web sites where I found this information. Most of you people on this site are smart enough to find the web sites that I found last night or other sites, if you are interested enough to learn about this virus.
Some theorist believe that if you take this information, along with the EVENT 201, which was held this past October 2019, and the hundreds of billions of dollars stood to gain from the world wide vaccinations by most if not all of the attendees of the EVENT 201. Wasn't it Dr. Fauci who warned in 2017, that President Trump, would have to deal with a pandemic before his term was finished? It sounds like he knew something was going to happen ahead of time. And for this virus to spring up in an election year?
Some theorist believe that HIV1 is a man made virus. Who has been studying this virus since the 80's, and who holds patents for some of the discoveries on how that virus works and also patents for the drugs to treat it? Dr Fauci is good friends with Bill Gates as well as Tedros, head of the WHO and others who attended EVENT 201.
I cannot help what I think and what I believe is going on here, nor am I trying to convince anybody about what is going on with this and other viruses. It is up to each individual to research and study this subject if you are so inclined. Put your own 2+2 together.
Also, there
I wonder how many reported flu deaths this year were actually CV? There are a lot of bad information and Iām sure propaganda making for fear and confusion in GenPop.
He does love being seen and taking credit.Watching the presser from yesterday, it seems to me that POTUS Trump has realized the platform this has provided him. Daily briefings with America in an election year...
Doing your side a world of help by keeping Biden from talking too much.I wouldn't think a president standing up in front of the world telling everyone how he has "ultimate authority" would play well with most voters... Well, nevermind.
That is simply not true. I've both agreed and disagreed with your positions on different issues.
Calling my perception of your feelings dumb? It may be incorrect, but labeled as dumb shows a lack of respect never shown to you.
He does love being seen and taking credit.
Doing your side a world of help by keeping Biden from talking too much.
It'll all come to you eventually. No point in wasting any more of my day with a guy that knows it all.
If you're assuming I'm on ole Joe's "side" you would be incorrect. I think he is a doofus personally and potentially a creep.
Always with a cute gif. Maturity really kicks in towards the end. Wish I had as much free time as you do.
No sir, not on Bidenās side just a knee jerk liberal. He is what liberals are stuck with......until he throws down his āTrumpā card and nominates oilā thunder thighs herself, The Hildebeast.
Gotta wonder exactly when this country ran off of the tracks.
No sir, not on Bidenās side just a knee jerk liberal. He is what liberals are stuck with......until he throws down his āTrumpā card and nominates oilā thunder thighs herself, The Hildebeast.
Conversely, CONservatives are stuck with the Buffon in Chief.
Gotta wonder exactly when this country ran off of the tracks.
This country ran off the tracks when Butter Bean was elected. The man is ignorant. The greatest hoax ever pulled on this country. A liberal democrat charadeing as a conservative republican. SMDH ...... you hit the nail on the head Buffon in Chief.
You seriously think this country just ran off the tracks in 2016? Wow.
Absolutely I was no fan of Obama I'm a registered Republican. But no longer consider myself a Republican since they sold their soul to support this fool. He is a 73 year old child just try and listen to one of his pressers. I'm a Independent now. We may have been off the tracks before 2016 but it's a train wreck now.