Not yet. The talk right now is how businesses have the right (if not moral obligation) to ban you from their property and/or refuse you service if you are not vaccinated and Facebook/Twitter/Etc have the responsibility to silence you if you talk about anything anti-vaccine.
Next they will require vaccination to be on school grounds, including dropping kids off. Refusal to vaccinate your kids will be illegal because they will need it to go to school and you will not be allowed to withdraw them just for not vaccinating. I paid out of pocket to have my kids tested for immunity to chicken pox to avoid the required shots for that (the vaccine causes shingles at a higher rate than standard infection). With Covid they aren't even going to allow that.
No vaccine is 100%. But, looking at how measles has come back in places that have a lot of unvaccinated people, it is obvious herd immunity is really a thing that protects those who have had the shots and those who haven't. I am just 100% sure that there are better ways than going door to door and I can promise that anyone coming to my door will get zero answer as to if anyone here has had their shots, assuming I am the one to answer the door.