🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

I read some of this info last year before the blood clotting issues with the injection (that has significant quantities of graphene oxide in it). The breathing issues that I read about previously the Dr had described it as similar acting as Beri Beri disease and that B1 is a regulator of automatic breathing.

Meanwhile, researchers reporting in the CRITICAL CARE Journal may have an answer to this perplexing problem. They employed 200 milligrams of daily vitamin B1 (thiamine) intravenously and achieved a 75% reduction in absolute risk for mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared to non-B1-treated patient. Additionally, B1 therapy reduced risk for thrombosis (blood clots) by 81%! This vitamin is not known for having anti-blood clotting properties. It does not make blood platelets less sticky and prone to clot

Biden’s HHS Secretary on plan to go door door to ”unvaccinated“ Americans. Pay attention it is a snippet from a Fox News talking head interview.

"We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose. But we hope they choose to live," Becerra said. "We hope people make the right choices. We want them to have the right information, but we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated."
From Congresslady Lauren Boebert’s GAB acct. The Biden admin will be working with SMS service providers to screen your texts for virus/vax disinformation.

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I mentioned a while back I was waiting on the vaccine because I've had GBS and wondered if we'd see the same side-effects from the flu vaccine.

It's not a lot, but it's enough.

That J&J vaccine seems to be the worst of them. Sucks for some because they wanted so badly to only have the one shot.

I am reading where Pfizer is pushing for a third shot, without any proof it is needed. Nobody is calling them out yet but it appears to be just a money grab.
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