| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

In the category of "another thing that doesn't make sense."

Hewitt-Trussville High School is going full steam ahead with their fall sports programs: most if not all. But, in their ever growing wisdom it isn't safe to have theatrical productions so their drama programs are shut down this fall.
I consider each of you my friends, being ardent supporters of the Crimson Tide. However, I must tell you of events I see today that disagree with your feelings about this virus. My granddaughter is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurse. She has traveled to New York City (NYU Langone) as well as Miami, Florida (Baptist Hospital), serving as a Covid-19 nurse during each of these cities more intense periods of infection. She tells of the terrible respiratory effects of this disease. However, one thing that has not made much news coverage is the effect it has on your blood platelets. It causes abnormal clots which cause strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolisms (Which are all fatal). This virus is extremely contagious. Three nurses in her Miami unit caught the disease, although they were wearing protective equipment. One died, a nurse 24 years of age. Almost 200,000 American loves have been lost to this virus that you think so little of. I am not trying to be a smart ass. I am trying to warn my Bama friends that this virus is deadly dangerous, especially if you are overweight, or are older than 65 years of age. If nothing else, protect your grandparents by exercising some caution. Stay 6 feet away from others, except for known family members. And WEAR A MASK when you are out of your home. Be safe my Roll Tide brothers.
Two college football writers, covering the same story, tweeting within minutes of each other. You wouldn't know they were covering the same thing unless you ...

B1G set to vote:

But, no closer to fall season.

However, I must tell you of events I see today that disagree with your feelings about this virus.
It's been my impression the majority aren't discounting the virus, but are definitely questioning testing and numbers.

Here's another example this morning from a defensive end for Pitt.


I consider each of you my friends, being ardent supporters of the Crimson Tide. However, I must tell you of events I see today that disagree with your feelings about this virus. My granddaughter is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurse. She has traveled to New York City (NYU Langone) as well as Miami, Florida (Baptist Hospital), serving as a Covid-19 nurse during each of these cities more intense periods of infection. She tells of the terrible respiratory effects of this disease. However, one thing that has not made much news coverage is the effect it has on your blood platelets. It causes abnormal clots which cause strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolisms (Which are all fatal). This virus is extremely contagious. Three nurses in her Miami unit caught the disease, although they were wearing protective equipment. One died, a nurse 24 years of age. Almost 200,000 American loves have been lost to this virus that you think so little of. I am not trying to be a smart ass. I am trying to warn my Bama friends that this virus is deadly dangerous, especially if you are overweight, or are older than 65 years of age. If nothing else, protect your grandparents by exercising some caution. Stay 6 feet away from others, except for known family members. And WEAR A MASK when you are out of your home. Be safe my Roll Tide brothers.
Nobody thinks this virus is just a political stunt. It is serious but there is strong evidence that mask do not work. Neither does 6 feet apart. Stay at home works. If you have exposure to a lot of people you will probably get it, mask or not.
If the B1G starts playing in mid October, they've missed out on 3-4 games compared to the other conferences. Do they not understand this? They'd have to play further into the new year and won't have the breaks that the others have.
If the B1G starts playing in mid October, they've missed out on 3-4 games compared to the other conferences. Do they not understand this? They'd have to play further into the new year and won't have the breaks that the others have.

Commissioner Warren needs to be out on his ass ASAP.
Not likely

I was being facetious regarding the the twit Ross Dellenger tweet that Brandon Van de Graaff posted.

You are mistaken if you think we are not all going to die trying to live our lives, whether from some health malady or accident. Unless you take
into account the poor souls who choose to take their own life.
You can avoid corona virus. If you get it, you were around someone with it. Some that get it have a mild cold like experience. Some have a couple of weeks nightmare. It's risky. You can die. Only shallow thinking folks think it ain't dangerous or a political issue.

My mom is 87 and has copd, kidney trouble, on oxygen, and heart trouble. We keep her in quarantine but home health people are in and out. She is in that high risk group and we pray every day for her.
Nobody thinks this virus is just a political stunt. It is serious but there is strong evidence that mask do not work. Neither does 6 feet apart. Stay at home works. If you have exposure to a lot of people you will probably get it, mask or not.

There's zero "strong evidence" that masks do not work. Every scientist worth his salt says exactly the opposite.

Convince me I'm wrong. Post some evidence.
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