🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

A few buddies of mine in clandestine operations of the US military wouldn't give their DNA. They were concerned it could be used against them in the future.

It is easy to pin a bullshit crime to you if the investigators have a sample to use. You must know the samples are kept not destroyed after mapping.
Watch the Viles screw this up, they had to cancel their scrimmage today because they have 30 people with COVID-10 positive tests.
That's not exactly accurate and I'm not surprised considering how it was reported.

Matt Barrie, ESPN, repeatedly mentioned the number 44 yesterday in the same breath as COVID . Pruitt said they had seven or eight that had tested positive and there were twenty something that were in quarantine due to contact tracing (with no mention by any of whether they were asymptomatic but, based on his statement, they didn't test positive.) The rest were out due to injuries. He said their issues was "contact tracing."

And now we're right back to the PCR tests and the growing evidence of how unreliable that method has been discovered to be. Hell, I remember back in June the CIDRAP (Minnesota, of all places) was telling people that the positive PCR results were being misunderstood and "in and of itself does not mean that you’re infectious or infected for that matter.”
That's not exactly accurate and I'm not surprised considering how it was reported.

Matt Barrie, ESPN, repeatedly mentioned the number 44 yesterday in the same breath as COVID . Pruitt said they had seven or eight that had tested positive and there were twenty something that were in quarantine due to contact tracing (with no mention by any of whether they were asymptomatic but, based on his statement, they didn't test positive.) The rest were out due to injuries. He said their issues was "contact tracing."

And now we're right back to the PCR tests and the growing evidence of how unreliable that method has been discovered to be. Hell, I remember back in June the CIDRAP (Minnesota, of all places) was telling people that the positive PCR results were being misunderstood and "in and of itself does not mean that you’re infectious or infected for that matter.”
Yeah I saw some clarifications after I posted this on the number of positive cases.

There was also an article I read I think from medical folks in Italy that was challenging the accuracy of the tests and talked about the PCR being set as such a low level for a positive they we shocked the scientists had not questioned that. Seems like the threshold is set so low that it is very unlikely a person testing positive would even be contagious. This kind of stuff is pathetic and I always wandered how we got tests so quickly. If you can't trust the scientific and medical industry to follow basic scientific norms then what can you trust?
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