šŸˆ Crimson White: a lot of empty seats in the student section..

I may get flamed for this, but here goes.

My opinion is that Students should be able to register to go to all home games and get in free with their student ID. If they don't verify their attendance by Wednesday of game week, their spot is forfeit and sold as a ticket to whoever wants it.

Left over tickets can be sold online or over the phone and be picked up at will-call.

My .02.

Probably the most students that would go would be between 10k-20k. If the stadium is 100k, that leaves a lot of full price admission for the University to make its cheese. Unused student spots would sell out quickly. Scalpers would suffer, but few else.
TigerBait3 said:
I believe every student gets tickets except for first year students, and even they get half of them.

Its not like there are 15,000 fans dying to see a game and can't.

Which is part of the reason the "demand" for more tickets is looked on skeptically.

I've mentioned before here, and I still feel it's the best way to accomplish it, is make those with the most points (as in games/sports attended in the previous year, etc.) be first in line to buy the tickets.

Now, as to the reserve system, I can see that could use a tweak or two. It would seem to me, if someone donates their ticket, let them deal with the same thing the rest do when they try to buy them online. If they are available, let them go first come first serve.
TerryP said:
TigerBait3 said:
I believe every student gets tickets except for first year students, and even they get half of them.

Its not like there are 15,000 fans dying to see a game and can't.

Which is part of the reason the "demand" for more tickets is looked on skeptically.

I've mentioned before here, and I still feel it's the best way to accomplish it, is make those with the most points (as in games/sports attended in the previous year, etc.) be first in line to buy the tickets.
LSU has the point system and it is alright. The only problem is people go to these games and swipe their card and then leave. Not a lot of students are happy with it at LSU.

There are always going to be empty seats in the stadium. Most regular fans get single game tickets because they knwo they can make it to the game, and they take pride in that game because it cost a lot of money.

Students get their package and do not know whether they have a test on Monday, want to go home for the weekend, or have other things to do. They need to have a better turnout but you can not compare thye regular fan to a student like some are doing. Half of the people that get tickets dont get them to watch a football game -- they want to socialize. For example both of the people I live with are not going to the game this weekend because of school.
The entire system blows, there are too many seats for students for OOC games, AND they sell the ticket packages to cheap.

I'm still ticked about missing out on student tickets last fall (my last semester) because of some ridiculous technicality in the rules (my 9 hour internship wasn't "on campus" so it didn't count as a class... it sure did cost the same as a 9 hour class). On top of that, they wouldn't refund my money.
Porter said:
AND they sell the ticket packages to cheap.
I dont think they sell them too cheap considering the cost of going to school here. Some schools dont even charge thier students for tickets you just have to register to get them..
Isnt this the first year TN students had to pay for thier tickets?
alagator said:
Where is that thread where the petulant freshman tried to lecture us about student tickets and attendance and the need to ENLARGE the current student section?

Actually I'm a sophomore. On topic though, I completely agree that its pretty silly all those people just sit on their tickets. The article clearly states, however, that there is much higher demand for tickets than seating. This is corroborated by the student seating selling out in something like two hours, and I believe at least one server crashed due to the traffic of people attempting to buy. The root of the problem is that the block seating assignments are too large. As someone who frequents the non-block seating, trust me there aren't really any seats there, so as many of you have correctly deduced the block seating is the issue (aka frats.

Basically it comes down to two different points of view. Obviously most students, but also the professors and many other people I have talked to about it, believe that football games are part of the students college experience and that since it is their peers playing they should be able to attend.

Ya'll obviously support otherwise because that makes it easier for YOU to attend the game. It all comes down to selfishness, everyone wants to attend, but not everyone can.

The point is there are plenty of students who wish to attend the games, but can't. Depending on what philosophy you subscribe to this is a problem, or not.
JacobGibson05 said:
Porter said:
AND they sell the ticket packages to cheap.
I dont think they sell them too cheap considering the cost of going to school here. Some schools dont even charge thier students for tickets you just have to register to get them..
Isnt this the first year TN students had to pay for thier tickets?

The tickets are less than a Coke at the game. Books are priced too high, not the tickets to the football games. When the fans sitting 100 feet above you have worse seats yet paid 50 bucks more for their ticket, something is wrong. That is too cheap, and just invites problems with folks looking to make money off the thing. I'm all about capitalistic scheming while in college, but this is one area that should be off limits. Nothing used to piss me off more than walking to the stadium and seeing those foreign engineering students lined up by the student gates selling their tickets to those who were not able to buy them in the first place because of computer issues or cutoff issues.

Students should have to pay face value, just like everyone else. Any unsold tickets the Monday before the game should go on sale to the public.

To get specific, I'd like to see tickets go on sale in June for students. They choose which specific games they want to go to, then pay on the internet. They pick their tickets up in August when school begins. Students have to swipe an action card to get in with a student ticket. If they sell the ticket to a non-student, it has to be upgraded for 20 more dollars. When it is time to buy tickets in June, it goes by seniority (number of credit hours completed). Starts with grad students, then at anything over 160, then goes down 10 credit hours each day until tickets run out. If any tickets are left over, they go into a lottery for incoming freshmen. If any are left over after that for any single games, they are held by the ticket office, then put on sale to the general public on the Monday before the game (or sold to anyone on the UA staff/faculty waiting list).
Porter said:
JacobGibson05 said:
Porter said:
AND they sell the ticket packages to cheap.
I dont think they sell them too cheap considering the cost of going to school here. Some schools dont even charge thier students for tickets you just have to register to get them..
Isnt this the first year TN students had to pay for thier tickets?

Students should have to pay face value, just like everyone else. Any unsold tickets the Monday before the game should go on sale to the public.
I like it the way it is. It is part of going to college, and not all things in life are going to be equal. While we're at it why dont we take down Witt's elevator, make everyone walk in the same gate since some people have to walk more than others (and there seats cost more!). There are things that make college football great, like student sections and the perks of being a student.

Again, people that pay face value still buy them just to sell them -- no different than that Korean you saw.
MDBtrumpet04 said:
Porter said:
If they sell the ticket to a non-student, it has to be upgraded for 20 more dollars.

This year it costs $50 to upgrade. Same price for a general admission ticket.

I think that is what is used to be a few years ago too unless I'm mistaken (I had to upgrade some for some folks). I'd just tack a few more bucks on it.
Argo said:
JacobGibson05 said:
One of the benefits of paying $20,000 a year to go to school here is being able not to have to "drive here" to go to games and other activies.....

The problem is, plenty of other kids also pay 20,000 bucks to go to school there and aren't able to get into the game, yet 15% of the students with tickets don't even show up.

First come, first serve. I'm betting that some of those kids that couldn't get tickets would gladly wait 3 hours to get into a game.

i totally agree.
TigerBait3 said:
Porter said:
JacobGibson05 said:
Porter said:
AND they sell the ticket packages to cheap.
I dont think they sell them too cheap considering the cost of going to school here. Some schools dont even charge thier students for tickets you just have to register to get them..
Isnt this the first year TN students had to pay for thier tickets?

Students should have to pay face value, just like everyone else. Any unsold tickets the Monday before the game should go on sale to the public.
I like it the way it is. It is part of going to college, and not all things in life are going to be equal. While we're at it why dont we take down Witt's elevator, make everyone walk in the same gate since some people have to walk more than others (and there seats cost more!). There are things that make college football great, like student sections and the perks of being a student.

Again, people that pay face value still buy them just to sell them -- no different than that Korean you saw.

I don't care about things being equal. I care about the seats being filled. If they had to pay 385 bucks for the package instead of 35, that would cut down significantly on the folks who buy them up to re-sell them or the people who buy them and only go to the "big games".
Argo said:
JacobGibson05 said:
One of the benefits of paying $20,000 a year to go to school here is being able not to have to "drive here" to go to games and other activies.....

The problem is, plenty of other kids also pay 20,000 bucks to go to school there and aren't able to get into the game, yet 15% of the students with tickets don't even show up.

First come, first serve. I'm betting that some of those kids that couldn't get tickets would gladly wait 3 hours to get into a game.

I would go for that as well. Much easier and less complicated than what I posted.
I like the $5 a ticket. It's part of being at school here. If you wanna pay $5 a ticket here enroll in classes... Regular tickets are getting overpriced. You have to buy into a program just to be able to pay the face value for a ticket. Its all about who has the most money. And most students dont have that kind of money so it make sence to give them cheap tickets...
JacobGibson05 said:
I like the $5 a ticket. It's part of being at school here. If you wanna pay $5 a ticket here enroll in classes...

Been there, done that. $5 or $55 I would have gladly bought every home ticket available and been thrilled to have the opportunity to do so. They could have made it free (like basketball games) and made it first come first serve (like others mentioned) and I would have been cool with that too.

I don't care how it gets done, but the seats need to be filled every week.
JacobGibson05 said:
I like the $5 a ticket. It's part of being at school here. If you wanna pay $5 a ticket here enroll in classes... Regular tickets are getting overpriced. You have to buy into a program just to be able to pay the face value for a ticket. Its all about who has the most money. And most students dont have that kind of money so it make sence to give them cheap tickets...

Enroll in classes?

Geez. Graduated, give money to the Athletic Department every year...more than one program for that matter.

If a student doesn't have the money to pay more than 5 bucks a ticket, I say get a freakin' job.
TerryP said:
JacobGibson05 said:
I like the $5 a ticket. It's part of being at school here. If you wanna pay $5 a ticket here enroll in classes... Regular tickets are getting overpriced. You have to buy into a program just to be able to pay the face value for a ticket. Its all about who has the most money. And most students dont have that kind of money so it make sence to give them cheap tickets...

Enroll in classes?

Geez. Graduated, give money to the Athletic Department every year...more than one program for that matter.

If a student doesn't have the money to pay more than 5 bucks a ticket, I say get a freakin' job.
All im saying is part of being a student here is cheap tickets.. Some schools dont even charge for tickets to football games. And one of the big attractions of alabama is the football program. When you ask someone out of state why they came here one of thier answers is always the football games..
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