šŸˆ Can we NOW all agree the NBA is a joke when it comes to societal and political issues? "Shut up, dribble, and stay in your lane" was offensive until

If it came from anyone, it would still be a bullshit comment but that it came from someone and a network that absolutely drools over any conservative celebrity that likes to talk about politics that mirrors those on that network made it all the more pathetic.
I understand what you've just said here. But we're still left in the same conversation we were having a few pages back. It's clearly evidenced in what happened last night.

What you're calling a bullshit comment was made in response to opinions voiced that were considered bullshit. Hence, "shut up and dribble."

Shut up and dribble versus stay behind closed doors if you're going to speak out. One, a bullshit comment. The other is what? An effort to say "here's an injustice that you shouldn't speak about publicly."

"When you're not thinking about others and you're only thinking about yourself." And all of this started with Morey thinking about others, and not himself.

It's my belief he was misinformed. But, I don't know if he knew what he was talking about. If he did, so be it but I have no idea...but I'm still going to voice my opinion on something I know nothing about.

Duplicitous. Hypocritical. And, as mentioned earlier, lectures. All from someone who what ... doesn't know what is going on over there OR is choosing to willingly ignore what's going on.

The more we discuss this, the more we're seeing their case made for them (your shut up and dribble crowd.)

It's not a gray area as Kerr suggested, Here it's black and white. You've got a group saying "shut up and dribble" because they didn't believe what they were being lectured about, what was being said behind their self-appointed pulpit. And now, that same group is vindicated with example after example of how these guys don't believe in the very ideals they have been lecturing people upon.

Say what you want about LI or the network. She called bullshit and we're seeing just that.

Do you believe I'm misinterpreting, or misinformed, about what I seeing?

I'm not an NBA defender... In fact the opposite.... But there is a difference between commenting on our Nation's issues and another Nation's issues. I think that should be kept in mind here when we talk about the actual players and coaches who are asked about opinions and comments on current events.
You know, that's something that China hasn't afforded the States.

Perhaps you missed the story, I don't know. Look up the story about 85Ā°C bakery in LA and the Chinese. That all started by serving a cup of coffee to the Taiwanese president.
Back when we were debating Kaep's protest I said that a protest should make folks uncomfortable or it isn't much of a protest. I believe Morey's tweet fits this description.

Having said that there is a dichotomy in my personal views on China and the fact that I have to deal with China on a daily basis on behalf of the company I work for. I would like to be able to say I do no business with them, unfortunately in my chosen field that is impossible.
r. I would like to be able to say I do no business with them, unfortunately in my chosen field that is impossible.
In my view it's an impossible hole to get out of; across the board no matter the industry. Speaking out about the subject will have a dramatic impact on business profits and it's not good. We're talking about businesses that are beholden to this regime.

That really damages the platform on which some of these guys are choosing to stand. I believe we all agree on that.

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