CAD / Altie / Ctrl Atl Del ... Altimer, Mortimer, geez, you know who I'm talking about, right?

@It Takes Eleven @bamafan4ever @Mr. Pink

Tim and Greg, I know you guys have said, "park him in the corner" before. I know I did it a few months ago but I don't remember whose request it was ...

I do seem to recall it being some bullshit between him and the Woolly people ... I know he kept trying to tell me how to run the forum with those guys ... Other than that I don't recall what it was about, with whom, etc.

@Mr. Pink What's your real name?

This is one of the reasons I asked you back here. Thoughts on this guy?
He's already a two time loser, at least, but he sounds earnest. His reappearance alone will elicit knee-jerk reactions from our more combustible posters (old and wooly).

I would be okay with him coming back with the understanding that it's an absolute last chance, and that he make an initial thread that he's here because he likes the site and loves Bama football, and anything that's gone on before is water under the bridge. I'll welcome him back in that thread, we can have a group hug, and move on. If he just starts leaking into threads, folks will shat themselves getting in line to take him on.

Just my thoughts. I'll hang up and listen.


Well here my 2 cent worth He is a Bama fan, I can't see banning him for life. But like planomateo said, he will do something that will get him can anyway. I'm glad I don't have to make this very big important matter. You guys do know that somewhere a butterfly,well you know!!!:D
discouraged, donation and my username might bring up the thread that was his last if there's a search ran on the site her.

seems like i might have caught him a few days later under another username ... can't recall.

i've had years of experience with the guy ... likely, the very reason he's singling me out in the correspondence above
I don't remember him doing anything other than trolling his heart out. His problem is that he doesn't give up a troll when nobody believes him and he just keeps going and going. When he loses an argument, he just tries to give people pet names.

He's just annoying and exhausting to have to deal with, but it's not like he spams boards with porn or anything.

He never liked the Woolly because he often got his ass handed to him and it would frustrate him. He would usually leave for a couple of months, then come back and try to start crap, get upset and leave again.

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He never liked the Woolly because he often got his ass handed to him and it would frustrate him. He would usually leave for a couple of months, then come back and try to start crap, get upset and leave again.
Change a few words, a tense here and there, and you've got the same here at this site ... and a host of others.

I'm beginning to think my first "run-in" with him was back in '98-'99 when I was at Bamamag.
i would say we take away PM permissions for a while on him to make sure he is not trolling members

I can see where that might be a problem, but if he does that out of the gate he'll crater quickly regardless. I think he might want the PM available if he chooses to do any private fence mending. Let's let him in full bore, if we let him in at all.
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