🏈 BAMA vs FSU on CBS

bamarooski said:
Was'nt it just a few years ago that we all said we hated CBS and Vern lundquist.Even though some of it was annoying if we win that game none of us would give a rats ass about those trivial matters! JMHO I have been in mourning all day but Cecil Hurt's piece this morning helped! Now let's go kick those Semi-holes half ass! RTR! :lol:

I'm anti-ESPN :lol: . Have been for years due to them having a crappy outlook on SEC. Lincoln is my proffered choice because its not a lot of 'fluff talk' ....but.... it doesn't come in a HD channel :(. But I'll take CBS over ESPN on any given Saturday.

Can't wait for this weekend! Roll tide roll! 8)
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