AT&T or Verizon

I have an iphone and have AT&T. It is less than stellar to say the least. If I did not have an iphone I would have no problem going to Verizon. I'm pretty sure that Porter shares my same sentiments.

I keep hearing that the iphone will be going to Verizon as well, but nothing on paper or internet. Either way...there are other phones out there that are starting to compete with the iphone and if they have as much 3G network as they say they do....then I would go with Verizon hands down.

I know on gamedays at T-town it is impossible to use a phone to do anything. I usually get about 5 text messages and 3 or 4 voice mails as I leave the game. The network stays bogged down so much.
It depends on where you live & what service you're talking about. If you're talking about cell phone service & live in the Birmingham area, go with Verizon hands down.

If you're talking about Fiber optic TV/Internet, I don't believe Verizon's is even available in Alabama. I know it is in Florida, but as far as I'm aware, AT&T is the only Fiber Optic option here. I cannot wait until FO TV/Int is available here in my neighborhood. Won't matter which one it is.
Verizon for the coverage.. The iphone is the greatest thing ever though...

I know 3 iPhone owners that would throw their iPhones at you for saying that! Never really used one myself. That reminds me of that Droid commercial I've been seeing...gonna go check that out now.
Ironically it looks like that Motorola Droid phone is going to be branded by Verizon & not just be 1 phone, but a series of them....

I know 3 iPhone owners that would throw their iPhones at you for saying that! Never really used one myself. That reminds me of that Droid commercial I've been seeing...gonna go check that out now.

I can check my e-mail, watch any of my favorite movies any time I want, listen to all my favorite music at the touch of a button, watch and/or listen to live baseball and football games, play all sorts of video games, use it as a GPS unit for directions, and surf the internet. It beats all the other crappy phones I've ever had...
My cousin (who works for Best Buy Mobile) swears by AT&T. But, some people swear by Verizon. I'm not sure about in Alabama, but if you were here in Whyoming you wouldn't even be thinking about Verizon. They are horrible here in coverage, phones, and customer service. Up here in this awful state you either go with Verizon or Alltel. I was with Verizon and then paid the $450 to get out of my contract early. I'm now with Alltel, but Alltel is switching to AT&T in January up here.... thank the good Lord.

I can check my e-mail, watch any of my favorite movies any time I want, listen to all my favorite music at the touch of a button, watch and/or listen to live baseball and football games, play all sorts of video games, use it as a GPS unit for directions, and surf the internet. It beats all the other crappy phones I've ever had...

Well, I can't dispute any of that....I'm just saying THEY hate their iPhones. I like my phone, but I'm thinking about switching to a BlackBerry or maybe even the Droid when I learn more about it. iPhone isn't even an option for me as I have Verizon & I'm certainly not switching to AT&T while living here in Birmingham.
Well, I can't dispute any of that....I'm just saying THEY hate their iPhones. I like my phone, but I'm thinking about switching to a BlackBerry or maybe even the Droid when I learn more about it. iPhone isn't even an option for me as I have Verizon & I'm certainly not switching to AT&T while living here in Birmingham.

The only issue I've had with mine was the lack of 3G coverage, but that is more of an AT&T issue, not an iphone issue. Everyone I know that has one loves theirs, though several are not thrilled with the monthly charges... it ain't cheap to have one. I had always had a pretty basic dumbed-down phone though up until I got this on last Feb... so I've been like a kid in a candy store ever since.
My junk Samsung phone from Alltel worked for me in BDS last year when I flew down to watch the Miss St game.

Switched to a Blackberry and absolutely love it. Although I'm curious to see what happens after AT&T takes over.

You know, a lot of these "which is better" threads come and go, and eventually just drop into oblivion. But every once in a while there comes one that peaks a person's interest. This thread is one of those very few. It peaks my interest because I'm getting ready to dump my Sprint in favor of something else. I'm sick and tired of poor reception, lack of performance and above all else, incorrect and/or inflated billing.
So post on, folks, because I'm one who is actually interested in your opinions!!
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I might be lookin' too much into this buuuuut.....those Android phones don't come out until next month.....and Star Jackson already has is that possible??
I might be lookin' too much into this buuuuut.....those Android phones don't come out until next month.....and Star Jackson already has is that possible??
I think Sprint already has one of them. Keep in mind Andriod is a open source phone OS and not a single phone itself.

Then again I have no idea what carrier he uses, so this may be moot.
I think Sprint already has one of them. Keep in mind Andriod is a open source phone OS and not a single phone itself.

Then again I have no idea what carrier he uses, so this may be moot.

According to everything I've read about it so far it's going to be carried by Verizon only. Not to mention there's an article about the phone in the back of the sports page today in the Birmingham News. And the phone costs $200....AFTER a rebate. Just seems odd. I hope there's nothing to it.
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