| OT April 27,2011

Our school system let out early because of the impending weather that day. I was sitting in my chair watching the weather as the tornadoes were passing through T’town. The camera that always overlooks BDS was the view and with that one tornado in the background was so scary. I had several former students that were attending UA at the time. I made multiple calls checking on them. Thankfully, they would all be safe.
I remember that day. My girlfriend and I at that time left work early, and we saw the tornado weather alert, and we knew the traffic was going to be bad, so we decided to grab a quick bite, waiting the storm out. The light flickered several time while we were there, and we was like, "Oh shit... yeah let's go home." She took easy way home while I took another path. I ended up getting stuck on jeff road and realized that there was tornado right in front of me, coming at me. I immediately pulled over at gas station and ran inside. Later I found out that we were in the path and we got lucky. The storm knocked out power all over the town, and I think we didn't have power for week and half.
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