šŸˆ Anybody else involved in dumb superstitious activity?

Roll Tide Rev

Verified Member
Anybody else involved in dumb superstitious activity during the LSU game?

I am not superstitious at all, but in the 3rd quarter I noticed I didn't have my Bama hat on. I put it on and we won.

JPW, Julio, Rashad, and company did a great job, but you all can thank me for the victory. :D
Roll Tide Rev said:
Anybody else involved in dumb superstitious activity during the LSU game?

I am not superstitious at all, but in the 3rd quarter I noticed I didn't have my Bama hat on. I put it on and we won.

JPW, Julio, Rashad, and company did a great job, but you all can thank me for the victory. :D

Not so fast my friend. :D

I just posted this on another thread.

It was definitely the red play-doh elephant (not the heart she made in 2nd Q - that one didn't work so well), me resorting to my driveway on critical scoring plays, the lucky penny I found on the way to the airplane to get the guys home after the UT game, and last but not least Nick Walker's button I found on his seat.

So you can clearly see it was all me. :D :D :D :D

Dang you guys, I really thought I'd let go of all that past baggage. :wink:
I wear the same shirt every game...and that is the only time it gets worn...same shirt since our bowl game with Colorado. Not much of a crazy superstition I dont guess....makes me feel better though.

It may be linked to our 11 game winning streak... :D :D
Ok well I told my wife I wasn't going to look on a critical 3rd down play where LSU was driving to try and win with a field goal. I didnt look and they messed the route up. So there!

I even danced into the other room, got in a 3 point stance, yelled, cried, all at the same time! :lol:
Roll Tide Rev said:
Ok well I told my wife I wasn't going to look on a critical 3rd down play where LSU was driving to try and win with a field goal. I didnt look and they messed the route up. So there!

Rev, I haven't looked for half the season. :shock: :D I can't tell you how much I've missed "live" this season. I'm telling ya' my yard is my friend this season...that and behind the Alabama bench staring straight at the pavement. :D
I knocked back several more beers than I had originally planned on drinking......I continued to eat the smoked turkey even though I was full :?

Nervous energy doesnt do a body good :oops:
I have a friend that attends every game.........He refuses to watch extra points/FGS if Bama is attempting. (since the Ark game) He turns away from the playing field and looks up in the stands on every kick.....

I havent talked to him since the LSU game :lol: Im interested to hear his reaction to the blocked FG to end regulation :lol:
Oh yeah. We have one of the wooden elephant signs for your yard, with your name on it, like you see at tailgates. Well, I put it out by our front door on game days. Have been for years. Well, I didn't put it out for Clemson because it was raining down here, and then the next week I forgot. Its been sitting in the corner of the outside entry into our house. Well we left it in the same spot all year. I had to power wash that area last week. My wife made a point to remind me when I was putting everything back, that the elephant sign needs to go back in that corner.

10-0 so far.
no superstitious stuff... BUT after watching Alabama fart away the majority of the first half against LSu, i did agree that if Alabama won i would jump in the pool...

that water was unbelievably cold. :P
If I told y'all, it would probably nullify my two superstition's good luck. Until we lose I ain't doing anything else different.

Let's just say, "Something's working."

Btw, my Jarret Lee voodoo doll still has four pins sticking in him.

No it was me! I got the Lucky underwear,Lucky bama socks,Lucky pants,Lucky authentic jersey(with my name one it),Lucky hat,and lucky shoes. So it has to be me! :lol:
Erghh... sorry to mix things up here but on saturday I changed the shocks on my truck at my dads place & forgot :oops: to bring the 'Bama polo & hat for the game (I was wearing a crimson 'Bama work T-shirt).

Needless to say I was getting nervous.

Also, my wife was working late (cosmotologist) & didn't get there to watch the game until right before Rashad got his pick 6. I said she needs to get her priorities straight.

WARNING!!! :arrow: she will not be watching the MSU game b/c I'll be out of town & she cannot stay out to late w/ the kids... :( !!!
I like to sacrifice a couple dozen chicken wings in a vat of boiling oil before the game.

Then, at halftime, i prepare a grain offering of popped corn kernels covered in butter and salt.

Its been working for me all season.... ^^POP
Starting with the Georgia game, I've worn all white while watching the games.

-White sneakers
-White knee high socks
-White mesh shorts
-White long sleeve shirt
-White 'Bama jersey

Been wearing this get up every week while watching the games!


RollTide1980 said:
Starting with the Georgia game, I've worn all white while watching the games.

-White sneakers
-White knee high socks
-White mesh shorts
-White long sleeve shirt
-White 'Bama jersey

Been wearing this get up every week while watching the games!



Heck, sounds like you are also ready to go out and play a set of tennis during halftime. :wink:
I have a thing about actually NOT wearing any Bama gear during a game. I feel like when I do they do bad. Since the start of this season I haven't had any Crimson Tide gear on including hats, I mean nothing. I actually got caught away from home and missed the kickoff and about 4 minutes lsu game. I was wearing my Bama jersey and ended up not taking it off until we were almost home. Sorry for the scare guys, it won't happen again. :lol: :arrow: :D
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