There's a picture somewhere on the site I took awhile back of one that was resting in front of a local bar I go to occasionally. I saw a new family off of the tee box on a local course recently. They were, I'd guess, 18" or so long...roughly six to nine of them. Lizards? I don't pay attention to them until they're getting to the 10" or longer size...ya know, about the width of a average man's thumb. I know where two of them are right now that are at least 15" long, orange heads...really strange looking.@TerryP, Have you been up close and personal with one of those monsters? I don't even like the 4 and 5 inch lizards around my house.
So, yes. Up and close quite often. The biggest was measure at 16' or so...lived on a course on the Navy base off of the 17th hole. It was just understood...stay away from the water. He never was, or has been, an issue.
I don't see the copperheads often although I'd guess I've ran across six or seven snakes this year. I don't live in the country. It's just a part of living in this part of the country.