| FTBL A very telling comment by Coach Saban...


"The understanding of the defense by most of the players is really ramped up a notch," Saban said. "... And their tolerance for guys making mistakes is not that great. And that puts a lot of peer pressure on other guys to learn and be responsible, and that's good leadership."
That's the best news I've heard all spring, seriously. That is certainly one of the most important steps in the process. The players are starting to get their minds in the right place, and the mental battle in football plays a huge role.
Sounds good. Lots of folks here in LA have made fun of Bama for Saban's record last season. They think that WE think that we would go undefeated as soon as CNS got to T-town. We knew, though, that it would take time to install the system and get everybody on the same page. That our players are not letting slackers off lightly is great news.
CrimsonPirate said:
Sounds good. Lots of folks here in LA have made fun of Bama for Saban's record last season. They think that WE think that we would go undefeated as soon as CNS got to T-town. We knew, though, that it would take time to install the system and get everybody on the same page. That our players are not letting slackers off lightly is great news.

Even though the overall record wasn't what we had hoped, no one tends to mention that we won twice as many conference games last year than the year before. Granted, 4 conference wins isn't great, but it's improvement. That's the bottom line.
TerryP said:
CrimsonPirate said:
Sounds good. Lots of folks here in LA have made fun of Bama for Saban's record last season. They think that WE think that we would go undefeated as soon as CNS got to T-town. We knew, though, that it would take time to install the system and get everybody on the same page. That our players are not letting slackers off lightly is great news.

Even though the overall record wasn't what we had hoped, no one tends to mention that we won twice as many conference games last year than the year before. Granted, 4 conference wins isn't great, but it's improvement. That's the bottom line.

To add to that,and I may be wrong but, wasn't our biggest margin in the losses 7 points or less?
Nothing to brag about but we had a chance in everyone of those losses to finish it.
Accountability this is great the process is working guys plain and simple! by the time time he builds this thing year 4 and 5 we will simply just reload. I haven't seen this much foundation building since I was a chitlin! and yes we were in every game last year this is awesome. RTR! :D
TerryP said:
"The understanding of the defense by most of the players is really ramped up a notch," Saban said. "... And their tolerance for guys making mistakes is not that great. And that puts a lot of peer pressure on other guys to learn and be responsible, and that's good leadership."

The comment was addressing what happens on the field. I look forward to the same effect for OFF-THE-FIELD performance.
LBS said:
TerryP said:
"The understanding of the defense by most of the players is really ramped up a notch," Saban said. "... And their tolerance for guys making mistakes is not that great. And that puts a lot of peer pressure on other guys to learn and be responsible, and that's good leadership."

The comment was addressing what happens on the field. I look forward to the same effect for OFF-THE-FIELD performance.

Patients grasshopper.....this too shall come.
TerryP said:
"The understanding of the defense by most of the players is really ramped up a notch," Saban said. "... And their tolerance for guys making mistakes is not that great. And that puts a lot of peer pressure on other guys to learn and be responsible, and that's good leadership."

Accountability leads to responsibility. Responsiblity leads to Ownership. Ownership leads to teamwork. Teamwork leads to championships.
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