| FTBL Your keys to the game? To start, I have two I'm looking at.


...this morning.

I know we all agree that stopping the run, yeah a real basic in college football, is going to be essential tomorrow night.

I've watched different opinions over the last few weeks and seen the Wallace Gilberry and Zeke references come out in terms of "who gets the sacks."

I don't look at the actual sack number as important. I look at the number of times we can influence Cullin Harper, disrupt his timing along with collapsing the pocket as another large key to our success on defense.

When teams have been able to disrupt his play, it's changed his efficiency a great deal.

Here are some numbers compiled about Harper.

Against Central Michigan, La-Monroe and Furman he went 56-67, 1INT vs 13 TD's while putting up 809 yards in the air.

BUT, when he faced a defense that was able to get some pressure in terms of the pocket breaking down he went 45-96, 1 INT vs 2 TD's while putting up 458 yards through the air.

In the converage we've seen on TV the last week one match-up the media has pointed to has been Clemson's freshman, DaQuan Bowers (likely not even going to start) vs Andre.

I don't see the pressure falling on Andre for this game. Heck, I don't see it falling so much on Harper as I do the impact Thomas Austin (CU center) will, or more than likely will not, have on our NT position.

Considering our OL hasn't been able to block him one-on-one there is no reason to think Austin will be able to handle the job.

When he pulls a double team, it makes our 3-4 that much more dangerous and leads to one thing. Big numbers from our safeties and inside backers in terms of tackles.

One safe bet? Rob Spence (Clemson OC) will take his shots at Marquis Johnson thinking he'll be able to take advantage of him like FSU did last season.
reguarding our Inside backers and safties getting tackles witht the double on Cody. I sure like our 2 inside backers that I think are up to the task. Mr. McClain and Mr. Hightower.
#1 Stop the Run

Bama has not been good at this the past few seasons and Clemson will not throw the ball unless they have to. If we can’t stop the run on first and second down it will be a very long night for the Tide. Also, if it is a tight game, you will want your defense fresh in the 4th quarter. Bama lacks depth on defense and can’t afford to be on the field all night and still expect to win the game in the end.

#2 Minimize Turnovers

In the games last night there was a ton of turnovers. Most teams did not capitalize on opportunities, but Bama will have enough trouble with Clemson without giving them a short field to work with. It takes most offenses a couple of games to get into a rhythm so mistakes are going to happen. If Bama’s offense makes fewer mistakes in this game, it gives them a much better chance of winning.
Re: Your keys to the game? To start, I have two I'm looking

TerryP said:
One safe bet? Rob Spence (Clemson OC) will take his shots at Marquis Johnson thinking he'll be able to take advantage of him like FSU did last season.

Ugh, I still see that one TD in my dreams - bad dreams! :(
Keys to winning.

#1 The QB has to read zone and get rid of the ball from 3 to 5 seconds. JPW needs to be able to throw the ball with accuracy or “in stride” to make first down. We can’t get in 3rd and long.

#2 The red-zone, seeing how Alabama has been terrible in the part of the field for the last 3 years we will need to start punching in the ball. On the defensive side we have to stop them in the RED-ZONE which we have not done in X amount of attempts the opponent scores on us every time.

#3 The Line we well only go as far as our line both Offensive and Defensive will carry us period. If we control the pace of the game in the trenches, we will win this game. Defensive line has got to up pressure on the QB.

#4 Run the ball, run with power, run with anger, and intensity! Control the clock you control the game.
Porter and I were at Hey Coach last night at Buffalo Wild Wings here in T-town and the thing that stuck out to me was what CNS said. Nothing matters on that scoreboard until the clock strikes 00:00. We need more points than than CU at that point! I love the fact that he preaches that to our players. One bad play on our part does not affect the job I have before me on the very next play. Nothing on that scoreboard has anything to do with how I am supposed to do my job on this next play! Focus and intensity! I feel like running through a wall right now!!! Bad pic (cell phone) but he came by our table last night. Porter wanted him to touch the wart on his hand and make it go away, but he said he don't play dat $h!7 aight!!

Two keys would apply to virtually any game we play:

- Establish the run and ball control early. If the running game falters, utilize our weapons in the passing game to open up the run.

- Don't turn the ball over!

A third key is specific to Clemson:

- Exploit the lack of "playing together as a unit" time their offensive line has had. Hopefully CNS's high tech defense can do this and get pressure on their QB while stifling the run. This could be a major advantage we have over them by playing them the first game of the year and before they've had time to gel as a unit. CNS is known for his complicated defensive schemes. The more complexities we through at their OL the better chance we have of confusing them. I can't imagine they could have effectively prepared for this in their practices.
My Keys to the game.

1) - of course...slow the run. I don't think we need to stop the run to beat them...just slow them. Keeps runs to 3 yards or less. Don't give up huge chunks of yards on the ground because that deflates a defense quickly!

2) - pressure the QB. This is something we did not do consistently last year. We had games of brilliance sandwiched between mediocre games. We have to have a push...preferrably up the middle to force him to move out of the pocket. Collapsing the pocket is not bad either.

3) - run the ball. If Bama has 200 yards this game is over IMO. 150 and we could be in for a dog fight. 100 and we lose a close one. Less than 100 and we get smashed. Bottom line. The passing game should be ok...but we have to run!
rammerjammer said:
Porter and I were at Hey Coach last night at Buffalo Wild Wings here in T-town and the thing that stuck out to me was what CNS said. Nothing matters on that scoreboard until the clock strikes 00:00. We need more points than than CU at that point! I love the fact that he preaches that to our players. One bad play on our part does not affect the job I have before me on the very next play. Nothing on that scoreboard has anything to do with how I am supposed to do my job on this next play! Focus and intensity! I feel like running through a wall right now!!! Bad pic (cell phone) but he came by our table last night. Porter wanted him to touch the wart on his hand and make it go away, but he said he don't play dat $h!7 aight!!

So what did Porter say when Coach Saban asked him did he have any eligibility left? :lol:
if we can run the ball effectively, we win this one. if they stuff our run, it will be close with the nod going to them most likely.

i think their QB is going to spend a lot of time on his rear or running to the outside.... hopefully spelling a few picks for us.

i can't wait.
Tider27 said:
rammerjammer said:
Porter and I were at Hey Coach last night at Buffalo Wild Wings here in T-town and the thing that stuck out to me was what CNS said. Nothing matters on that scoreboard until the clock strikes 00:00. We need more points than than CU at that point! I love the fact that he preaches that to our players. One bad play on our part does not affect the job I have before me on the very next play. Nothing on that scoreboard has anything to do with how I am supposed to do my job on this next play! Focus and intensity! I feel like running through a wall right now!!! Bad pic (cell phone) but he came by our table last night. Porter wanted him to touch the wart on his hand and make it go away, but he said he don't play dat $h!7 aight!!

So what did Porter say when Coach Saban asked him did he have any eligibility left? :lol:

That he had accepted gifts from a Bama supporter, not all of those legal or moral. See Mr. Bama if you need further detail...
1. R. McClain/R. Johnson - Our defensive leaders need to make sure our players, especially young players, are in the right plays every time they are on the field. More importantly, they need to be the first ones to lift them up and let them know what they did wrong if they get beat.

2. JP Wilson must play like a senior. I'm not saying he should make every pass or throw for 400 yards, but he CAN'T let a few incompletions turn into a 4-14 stretch. If we throw up a handful of "3-and-outs" it may be more pressure than our defense can handle this early in the year.
JPW needs to play with the poise you'd expect from a senior who is a third year starter. Clemson's DL is good, and they will probably be able to bring some heat at times.

Stop their running game and make them throw because they have to.
Re: My Keys to the game.

BamaDevO said:
1) - of course...slow the run. I don't think we need to stop the run to beat them...just slow them. Keeps runs to 3 yards or less. Don't give up huge chunks of yards on the ground because that deflates a defense quickly!

2) - pressure the QB. This is something we did not do consistently last year. We had games of brilliance sandwiched between mediocre games. We have to have a push...preferrably up the middle to force him to move out of the pocket. Collapsing the pocket is not bad either.

3) - run the ball. If Bama has 200 yards this game is over IMO. 150 and we could be in for a dog fight. 100 and we lose a close one. Less than 100 and we get smashed. Bottom line. The passing game should be ok...but we have to run!

Damn if I didn't hit this one on the head!!! :D :D :D
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